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April Fools' Prank in Animal Crossing New Leaf: Hilarious Shenanigans Uncovered!

April Fool’s Day is a time of the year when people play harmless pranks on one another. It’s also the perfect time for game developers to treat their players with a few surprises. One such surprise was Animal Crossing: New Leaf’s April Fools’ Day prank in 2013. Fans were in for a treat as the game turned into something completely unexpected.

Did you know that the prank was so elaborate that it took three days to complete? That’s right – the development team put in an incredible amount of effort, making sure that players had the best possible experience.

The prank started on April 1st, as expected, with players logging in to find that their beloved village had been taken over by Isabelle, the helpful assistant character in the game. She announced that she was taking over as mayor and that everyone was going to follow her lead.

While some might have panicked at the sudden change in power, others were thrilled to see Isabelle finally take the reins. But her leadership was not exactly what players were used to. She handed out bizarre requests, like asking players to stand on a certain spot in their villages and then twirl around in circles.

Many players thought that this was just a strange, one-day prank, but as they soon found out, it was only getting started. The next day, Isabelle had more bizarre ideas. She would rate players based on their outfits, for example, and encourage them to change their outfits accordingly to get more points.

By the third day, players were starting to get wise to the situation. They knew that something big was happening, but they didn’t know what. And then, on the third day, everything was revealed. Isabelle finally confessed that it was all a prank and that she wasn’t really taking over the village. In the end, everyone had a good laugh and went back to their regular routines.

The Animal Crossing: New Leaf April Fools’ Day prank was a massive success. It showcased the developers’ creativity, humor, and willingness to engage with their fans. Players loved the unexpected twists and turns, and it made them appreciate the game even more.

So, if you’re looking for a fun and entertaining way to celebrate April Fool’s Day, why not try playing a prank on your friends or family members? And if you’re an Animal Crossing fan, don’t forget to check out the April Fools’ Day event the next time it rolls around!


April Fools' Day is a day when pranksters get to have their fun. It's a day when everyone expects to be pranked and a day when no one is safe. This year, Animal Crossing: New Leaf fans had a good laugh with the new update that turned the game into something unexpected.

The Prank

On the morning of April 1st, Animal Crossing: New Leaf players woke up to find their game had been updated overnight. The loading screen read Happy April Fools' Day! and then the players noticed that the game had changed – completely. Instead of the usual version of the game, players found themselves playing a new and wacky version of Animal Crossing: New Leaf. The game was filled with nonsensical surprises, which comprised bugs that replaced characters, seemingly glitched animations, and pop-up dialogue boxes advertising absurd deals. The NPCs also had weird dialogue. Tom Nook asked players to “Don’t tell anyone, but I’m actually a kangaroo in a Nook suit. Why? Because I love pouches!” while K.K. Slider was explaining how he became a popular musician by mastering the art of yodeling.

The Island and Inhabitants

The island players once knew was now upside down and reflected an inverted world. Villagers' homes were strangely designed, some of them even looked like dungeons straight out from the Legend of Zelda. There were walls of fire and menacing enemies on every corner. Players were given new outfits to wear, including a chicken outfit, maybe a reference to the feared Chozo Artifacts from Metroid series. The town attractions, such as the park and the shopping center, had also been transformed into their surreal forms.

The Fun and Games

Players could enjoy some of the most peculiar games and activities, one of which includes a game of Cooking with Redd, where players had to guess which dish was being cooked using clues provided by Redd. Lastly, the National Museum added an arcade section, where players could play vintage 80s and 90s games, including Pac-Man, Space Invaders, and Donkey Kong.

The Aftermath

Many players loved the prank and thought it was a fun way to celebrate April Fools' Day. However, some players criticized Nintendo for wasting their time and resources on such an extensive prank for just a short period in the calendar year. Some even claimed that they were expecting something more from them besides a small update.


Overall, Animal Crossing: New Leaf's April Fools' Day update turned out to be a pleasant surprise. It made gamers smile, laugh and appreciate the humor behind it. Although not entirely free from criticisms, fans are hoping Nintendo would repeat such updates in the future. After all, we should never forget how little moments like this can make our day, right?

April Fools Animal Crossing New Leaf: A Comparison Guide

The Prankster's Day

April Fools' Day, also known as the Prankster's Day, is a perfect time to play jokes on your friends and loved ones. Celebrated on the first day of April every year, this day is all about pulling pranks and having a good laugh. Animal Crossing New Leaf, one of the most popular simulation video games, has embraced this tradition with its own unique twist. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the April Fools' event in Animal Crossing New Leaf and compare it with the regular gameplay.

The Characters

One of the significant differences between the regular gameplay and the April Fools' event in Animal Crossing New Leaf is the characters' appearance. On this day, the villagers, including Isabelle, Tom Nook, and other special characters, change into mischievous versions of themselves. For example, Isabelle dons a jester hat and bowtie, while Tom Nook wears a face mask and a wizard hat. The changes are not purely cosmetic; the character's dialogues, catchphrases, and behavior also undergo a transformation.

The Pranks

The April Fools' event in Animal Crossing New Leaf is all about pranks. The villagers will attempt to trick and deceive you, sometimes with harmless pranks and other times with elaborate schemes. Some of the common pranks include being sent on wild goose chases, being given fake items, or being locked in a room. While some players may find these pranks amusing, others might find them frustrating or annoying.

The Rewards

To compensate for the pranks, the villagers will offer rewards to players who complete their quests or correctly identify the fake items. These rewards include furniture, clothing, and special items that are exclusive to the April Fools' event. Some players might enjoy collecting these unique items, while others may not find them worth the effort.

The Atmosphere

The April Fools' event in Animal Crossing New Leaf is also notable for its unique atmosphere. The game's background music changes to a whimsical tune, while the villagers' homes are decorated with colorful streamers and balloons. Even the player's character will wear a silly-looking hat during this event, adding to the festive mood.

The Frequency of the Event

While some players might enjoy the April Fools' event in Animal Crossing New Leaf, others may find it a distraction from the regular gameplay. One of the benefits of this event is that it only occurs once a year, on April 1st. This means that players who do not enjoy the prankster vibe can skip it altogether without affecting their regular gameplay experience.

The Similarities

Despite the many differences between the regular gameplay and the April Fools' event in Animal Crossing New Leaf, there are some similarities. For example, the game's mechanics, including fishing, bug-catching, and fossil hunting, remain the same. Players can continue their daily activities as usual but may need to be extra careful about falling victim to pranks.

The Player Feedback

The April Fools' event in Animal Crossing New Leaf has received mixed reviews from players. Some players enjoy the novelty of the event and look forward to it each year, while others find the pranks tedious and uninteresting. Some players also criticize the fact that the event is only available for one day, which makes it difficult to collect all the unique items.

Table Comparison

To summarize the differences between the regular gameplay and the April Fools' event in Animal Crossing New Leaf, here is a comparison table:
Regular Gameplay April Fools' Event
Characters look and behave as usual Characters change appearance and behavior
No pranks Pranks from villagers
Same rewards available year-round Exclusive rewards for event completion
No special atmosphere Festive atmosphere with unique music and decorations
Available year-round Only available on April 1st


In conclusion, the April Fools' event in Animal Crossing New Leaf adds a fun and unique twist to the regular gameplay. While some players may find the pranks tedious and uninteresting, others enjoy the novelty of the event. The exclusive rewards and festive atmosphere also add to the event's appeal. However, the fact that the event is only available for one day may be off-putting for some players who do not want to miss out on the unique items. Ultimately, whether or not to participate in the April Fools' event is up to the player's preference.

April Fools in Animal Crossing New Leaf


Animal Crossing New Leaf is a life simulation game created by Nintendo, where players take on the role of the mayor of a village inhabited by anthropomorphic animals. This game has a lot of features to keep its players entertained, and April Fools is one of the most anticipated events of the year. In this event, players get to experience pranks and shenanigans from their favorite animal villagers.

What to Expect

During April Fools, players can expect to see their villagers plotting and planning behind their backs. Not everything is as it seems, and things might go crazy. Players will see mysterious items appearing all over their town, some of which might be unsettling or confusing. Villagers may also dress up in unexpected ways and give you funny items or fake clothing.

How to Prepare

Before April Fools, it's a good idea to stock up on bells and items that you might need. You'll also want to make sure you have space in your inventory for any items or presents that you receive from your prankster villagers. It's also a great idea to clean up your town, remove any weeds or unwanted items, and to decorate and prepare for the event.

Crazy Pranks to Watch Out For

During April Fools, players should be on the lookout for crazy pranks. Villagers may switch their personalities and say the opposite of what they usually do. You might also see furniture moving around by itself, unexpected weather changes, and strange dialogues. Don't be surprised if you find trees spawning surprising fruits or fish changing shape. The pranks aren't meant to harm the player, but rather make them laugh and enjoy the festivities.

How to Participate in the Pranks

If you want to participate in the pranks, try dressing up your character in a silly costume and give presents to villagers that will make them laugh, like silly hats or fake moustaches. You can also leave funny signs around town, or maybe swap plants with other villagers. Make sure to keep the pranks light-hearted and not harmful.

Getting the Pranksters Perfect Gift

During April Fools, players might get gifts from their prankster villagers. It's important to give these villagers the perfect gift during this time. The gift should be something that matches their personality, but with a funny twist – for example, a tool gift wrapped in shiny paper or a crazy outfit. Pay attention to their dialogues, and try to find out what they would find funny.

Tips and Tricks to Make the Most of April Fools

To get the most out of April Fools in Animal Crossing New Leaf, you can set up your own pranks to play on your villagers. This can include leaving unexpected gifts, setting up weird decorations, or even changing your own appearance. Take plenty of screenshots and share them online with other players, as it's always fun to see what pranks others have come up with.


April Fools in Animal Crossing New Leaf is a fun way to enjoy the game and have a good laugh. With all the pranks and surprises, it's sure to keep players entertained for days. Whether you're new to the game or a seasoned player, there's always something new to experience and explore during this event. Players should remember to keep it light-hearted, have fun, and enjoy the festivities.

April Fools' Joke: Is Animal Crossing New Leaf Really Coming to iOS App Store?

Gather around, Animal Crossing New Leaf fans! It's that time of the year again where nothing is safe from a good April Fools' joke, and it seems like the latest prank on the block may have fooled a lot of players.

If you haven't heard already, on April 1st, rumors started to circulate all over social media that the beloved game was finally making its way to the iOS app store. There were screenshots of a supposedly leaked Animal Crossing New Leaf app, which caused excitement amongst fans who were hoping to enjoy the game on their smartphones. But is it true or just another elaborate hoax?

Let's dive a little deeper into this and try to figure out what's going on.

Firstly, there's a good chance that the seemingly legitimate screenshots of the game on the app store are not real. This is because Nintendo, the creators behind Animal Crossing New Leaf, has not officially announced any plans to release the game on mobile devices.

This means that any screenshots of the game that you see floating around on the internet are merely photoshops or other similarly created hoaxes. If Nintendo were to release the game for mobile devices, they would do so publicly, and the release would be well-publicized on official Nintendo channels.

If you're wondering why the possibility of ACNL being released on mobile devices is such a big deal, it's because the game has an enormous following. Many fans have been requesting for years that the game be made available on mobile, so understandably, when the news broke that it might become a reality, people went wild.

It's important to remember that even if this is just another April Fool's Day prank, we shouldn't let our disappointment take over. Yes, it's true that we would all love to see Animal Crossing New Leaf available on mobile devices, but there are still plenty of other ways to play and enjoy the game.

For example, if you don't already own a Nintendo 3DS or 2DS, you can purchase one and start playing the game that way. While the initial cost may seem high, it's worth keeping in mind that it's a one-time payment and that you'll be able to enjoy the game for years to come.

Alternatively, if you're not ready to commit to buying a console, you can always borrow a friend's system or check out online resources such as forums, message boards, and YouTube tutorials that will provide you with information on how to play and get the most out of your Animal Crossing New Leaf gaming experience.

It's also a good idea to remember that while April Fool's Day is a great time for a good light-hearted prank, it can be easy to get fooled by people intentionally spreading false information. In the future, it's important to always check reputable sources before believing or sharing any news.

All in all, let's not fret too much about whether or not Animal Crossing New Leaf is coming to the app store. Whether it does or doesn't happen, there are still plenty of ways to access and enjoy the game.

Remember, part of the fun of being a fan of anything is the community that comes with it, so maybe reach out to other fans online who share your passion and talk about all of your favorite moments in the game.

So, there you have it. As of now, it seems like the rumors regarding Animal Crossing New Leaf appearing on the iOS app store were nothing more than an elaborate prank. But who knows, maybe one day we'll get lucky and Nintendo will hear our requests loud and clear and release the game for mobile devices.

Until then, keep exploring your town, hanging with your favorite villagers, and enjoying everything that Animal Crossing New Leaf has to offer.

Happy gaming!

People Also Ask About April Fools Animal Crossing New Leaf

What is April Fools' Day in Animal Crossing New Leaf?

April Fools' Day is an event that takes place on April 1st in Animal Crossing New Leaf. During the event, players may encounter special NPCs who will trick them with various pranks.

Who are the special NPCs during April Fools' Day in Animal Crossing New Leaf?

There are several special NPCs that players may encounter during April Fools' Day in Animal Crossing New Leaf. These include Blanca, a white cat with a blank face, and Zipper T. Bunny, a bunny who appears to be wearing a costume.

What kind of pranks do the special NPCs play during April Fools' Day in Animal Crossing New Leaf?

The special NPCs in Animal Crossing New Leaf may play a variety of pranks during April Fools' Day. For example, Blanca may ask the player to draw a face on her blank mask, but will then wear the face upside down. Zipper T. Bunny may ask the player to collect eggs for him, but will reveal that they are just plain old rocks.

Are there any rewards for participating in April Fools' Day in Animal Crossing New Leaf?

While there are no major rewards for participating in April Fools' Day in Animal Crossing New Leaf, players may receive unique furniture items or clothing as a result of the pranks played by the special NPCs.

Can players still participate in April Fools' Day in Animal Crossing New Leaf if they miss the actual date?

No, unfortunately players can only participate in April Fools' Day in Animal Crossing New Leaf on the actual date of April 1st. However, the event will return the following year for players to enjoy.