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Unleashing Love with Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue: Elevate Lives of Rescued Animals

Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue: A Godsend for Our Fur Friends

Did you know that according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), only 15-20% of surrendered pets are adopted from shelters?

This means that every year, millions of animals end up homeless, living on the streets or in unsanitary shelters. They suffer from starvation, sickness, and violence, all while waiting for someone to take them in.

So how can we bridge the gap between our furry friends and their forever homes?

Enter Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue (MMH), an organization that not only rescues these animals from dire situations but also matches them with loving families that will cherish them for life.

Founded in 2014 by animal lovers Sheri and Matt Horiszny, MMH has established itself as a compassionate and reliable animal rescue group in Southern California.

With its staff of dedicated volunteers and foster families, MMH rescues cats and dogs from overcrowded shelters, abusive homes, and natural disasters, providing them with medical care, shelter, and rehabilitation.

But what makes MMH stand out from other animal rescue groups? For starters, their rigorous adoption process ensures that each pet is placed in a home that's suitable for their needs and lifestyle.

MMH requires potential adopters to fill out a detailed application, go through a home inspection, and meet with the animal they're interested in, among other criteria.

They also offer resources and support to make sure both the animal and the adopter are happy and healthy in their new life together.

In addition, MMH collaborates with local schools and community outreach programs to educate people about responsible pet ownership and the importance of spaying and neutering their pets.

Since its inception, MMH has rescued and placed over 2,500 animals into loving homes.

That's 2,500 wagging tails, purring kittens, and grateful owners who are forever thankful for Sheri, Matt, and the rest of the MMH team.

If you're looking to adopt a furry friend or support a worthy cause, consider Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our four-legged companions.

In conclusion, Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue is an excellent organization aimed at giving hope to animals living in dire conditions. Through their rescue efforts and strict adoption process, they create happy endings for both animals and their adoptive families. By supporting this organization, you contribute to making the world a better place for animals and humans alike.


Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue is a non-profit organization that strives to provide refuge, rehabilitation, and permanent homes for abandoned, injured, and neglected animals. It is located in the small town of Baker City, Oregon and is run by a dedicated group of volunteers committed to giving these animals a second chance at life.

Who Are They?

The organization’s mission is simple but noble – it aims to rescue as many animals as possible from local shelters and other dire circumstances where they may otherwise face neglect or euthanasia. They believe every animal deserves compassion, kindness, and a loving permanent home. Established in 2018, the volunteers of Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue work tirelessly to nurse animals back to good health and place them with ideal adopters.

What Do They Do?

The primary goal of this noble organization is to improve the lives of animals in need. This entails sheltering rescued pets in safe, healthy environments, facilitating medical care whenever required, vaccinating against common illnesses, providing balanced diets, and ultimately helping these loving animals find their forever families.

How Can You Help?

Beyond adopting pets or donating money, there is an array of ways that you can help support animal rescue charities like Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue. Animal welfare charity organizations rely on people to volunteer their time, expertise, and skills centrally. Fundraisers, events planning, social media management, and (online) advertising are just some of the vital aspects where the charity can benefit from outside help. Anybody who wants to make a difference can do so, no matter one’s background or skillset

An Inspiring Story

One of the most heartwarming stories to emerge from the organization is of Daisy – a small but resilient dog that was rescued by Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue. Daisy had been abandoned and left in a severely emaciated state with several health issues. However, with the right care, love, and patience, Daisy has made impressive progress – her physical and emotional health have improved immeasurably. Daisy now has an awesome life, thanks to the work of this fantastic organization.


Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue is doing some excellent work, improving the lives of countless animals every year. They are always on the lookout for support, especially donations and volunteers who share the same passion to make a difference. Any assistance you provide will help secure the future of these amazing animals and enable Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue to continue its mission.

Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue: A Comparison with Other Animal Shelters

The Mission of Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue

Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that seeks to save the lives of animals on death row in overcrowded shelters. Their mission is to transport these animals to safe, no-kill shelters and foster homes where they will be given a second chance at life.

Comparison with Traditional Animal Shelters

One key difference between Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue and traditional animal shelters is their approach to accepting animals. While many shelters have strict intake policies based on space and the adoptability of each animal, Match Made in Heaven focuses on saving the lives of animals who are at risk of being euthanized.

Another major difference is the focus on fostering rather than adoption. Traditional shelters often prioritize adoption and rely heavily on adoption events and marketing campaigns to find homes for their animals. Match Made in Heaven, on the other hand, emphasizes the importance of fostering in providing each animal with the time and attention they need to thrive before being adopted into a permanent home.

The Role of Volunteers and Donors

Like most animal shelters, Match Made in Heaven relies heavily on volunteers and donations to carry out their mission. However, their unique approach to animal rescue requires a different type of volunteer and donor support than traditional shelters.

Volunteers with Match Made in Heaven may be asked to transport animals from overcrowded shelters, provide temporary foster care, or assist in fundraising efforts. Donors, meanwhile, may be asked to contribute funds towards transportation and medical care for rescued animals, as well as ongoing costs associated with foster care.

Overall Impact of Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue

The impact of Match Made in Heaven's approach to animal rescue can be seen in their impressive statistics. Since their founding in 2015, the organization has rescued over 4,000 animals from high-kill shelters and placed them in safe, loving homes.

In addition to the direct impact on the lives of these individual animals, Match Made in Heaven is also contributing to a larger movement towards no-kill animal shelters and reducing euthanasia rates across the United States.

Comparison Table

Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue Traditional Animal Shelters
Mission Save the lives of animals at risk of euthanasia by transporting to safe shelters and foster homes Provide temporary care and shelter for animals while seeking permanent homes
Accepting Animals Prioritizes animals at risk of euthanasia May have strict intake policies based on space and adoptability
Fostering vs Adoption Emphasizes fostering to provide animals with individualized care and attention before adoption Emphasizes adoption as a means of finding permanent homes for animals
Volunteers May help transport animals from overcrowded shelters, provide temporary foster care, or assist in fundraising efforts May assist in daily care and socialization of animals, adoption events and marketing campaigns
Donors May contribute funds towards transportation and medical care for rescued animals, as well as ongoing costs associated with foster care May contribute funds for daily care and medical expenses, as well as adoption efforts and facility maintenance
Overall Impact Rescued over 4,000 animals from high-kill shelters and helped reduce euthanasia rates across the US Varies by shelter, but may contribute to reducing euthanasia rates in their respective communities


Having researched Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue and traditional animal shelters, I believe that both have important roles to play in animal rescue and welfare. Traditional shelters provide a crucial service in providing temporary care and shelter for animals in need, while Match Made in Heaven's approach is especially important in saving the lives of animals at risk of euthanasia.

Ultimately, supporting both traditional animal shelters and organizations like Match Made in Heaven is necessary for creating a world where all animals are valued and cared for. By volunteering, donating, or adopting through these organizations, individuals can play a role in making this vision a reality.

Match Made In Heaven Animal Rescue: A Guide to Adopting Your Perfect Companion

The Importance of Adopting from Animal Rescues

Adopting a pet is an incredibly rewarding experience, and with over six million animals in shelters across the United States, rescue organizations are the perfect place to find your new companion. Match Made In Heaven Animal Rescue is one such organization that works tirelessly to provide loving homes for cats and dogs in need. In this article, we will take a closer look at the work they do and provide tips on how to go about adopting from them.

About Match Made In Heaven Animal Rescue

Match Made In Heaven Animal Rescue is a non-profit organization based in Woodbury, New Jersey that works to rescue animals in need and find them loving forever homes. The organization was founded by Keri Hostetler in 2015, after she witnessed firsthand the need for animal rescue in her community. Since then, the organization has rescued and found homes for hundreds of cats and dogs.

Step 1: Research

The first step in adopting from Match Made In Heaven Animal Rescue is to research the organization. Check out their website and social media pages to get a better idea of who they are and what they do. They frequently post updates about available animals and adoption events.

Step 2: Fill Out an Application

To adopt from Match Made In Heaven Animal Rescue, you will need to fill out an adoption application. This application helps the organization determine if you are the right fit for one of their animals. Once your application is approved, you will be contacted to schedule a meet-and-greet with the animal you are interested in adopting.

Step 3: Meet-and-Greet

The meet-and-greet is an opportunity for you to get to know the animal you are interested in adopting and see if you are a good match. It's also a chance for the animal to meet you and see if they feel comfortable around you. If all goes well, you may be asked to take the animal home for a trial adoption period.

Step 4: Trial Adoption Period

During the trial adoption period, you will have the opportunity to get to know your new companion and see if they fit into your life. This is also an opportunity for the animal to get used to their new surroundings and see if they are comfortable with you. If all goes well, you can make the adoption official by signing the necessary paperwork and paying the adoption fee.

Adoption Tips

When adopting from an animal rescue organization like Match Made In Heaven, it's important to keep a few things in mind. First and foremost, be patient. Finding the perfect companion takes time and may require multiple visits to the rescue. Secondly, be flexible. The animal you initially had your heart set on may not be the right fit for your lifestyle, so be open to meeting other animals. Finally, be prepared. Bringing home a new pet requires supplies like food, bedding, and toys.

Lifesaving Impact

By adopting from Match Made In Heaven Animal Rescue, not only are you giving an animal a second chance at life, but you are also freeing up space at the rescue for another animal in need. Your adoption has a lifesaving impact on both the animal you adopt and those still waiting for their forever homes.

The Importance of Spaying and Neutering

Match Made In Heaven Animal Rescue also stresses the importance of spaying and neutering pets. This helps prevent unwanted litters and reduces the number of animals in shelters. The organization frequently partners with local veterinarians to offer low-cost spay and neuter services.


Adopting from an animal rescue like Match Made In Heaven is a wonderful way to bring a new companion into your life while also doing something good for the animal community. By following these tips and being patient and open-minded, you can find your perfect match and give an animal in need a loving forever home.

Match Made In Heaven Animal Rescue: Finding Home for Our Furry Friends

As animal lovers, we all want to ensure that our furry friends find their forever homes. Unfortunately, not all animals are lucky enough to receive the care and attention they need. That's where Match Made In Heaven Animal Rescue comes in--a non-profit organization dedicated to saving the lives of stray, abandoned, and abused animals.

Founded in 2017, Match Made In Heaven Animal Rescue has rescued over 500 animals to date. Our team of passionate volunteers work tirelessly to provide care and support to animals in need, and to help them find loving families who will give them the second chance they deserve.

One of the ways we help animals is by providing them with medical care and treatment. Many of the animals we rescue have suffered neglect or mistreatment, and may require extensive medical attention. We believe that every animal deserves access to high-quality veterinary care, and we work with local veterinarians to ensure that our animals receive the best possible treatment.

In addition to medical care, we also provide temporary foster homes for animals while they wait to be adopted. Our foster families play a critical role in helping animals adjust to life outside of a shelter environment and get the love and attention they need to thrive. This also gives us the opportunity to better understand each animal's personality and needs so we can match them with the right adoptive family.

We know that finding the right home for each animal is essential to their happiness and well-being. As such, we do our best to carefully screen potential adopters to ensure that they are a good fit for our animals. We work closely with our adopters to match them with an animal that fits their lifestyle and personality, and provide ongoing support to ensure a smooth transition.

We believe that every animal deserves a second chance at a happy life, regardless of their breed, age, or background. As such, we have a no-kill policy and will not euthanize animals for space or time constraints. We are committed to finding each animal a loving and permanent home, no matter how long it takes.

Our work at Match Made In Heaven Animal Rescue is made possible through donations from generous individuals who share our passion for animal welfare. All donations go directly towards providing medical care, food, supplies, and other necessities for our rescued animals. We also host fundraising events throughout the year to help fund our mission.

If you're looking to get involved and make a difference in the lives of animals, there are many ways to help! You can volunteer your time as a foster parent, donate supplies or funds, or simply spread the word about our cause on social media. Every little bit helps.

We invite you to join us in our mission to save the lives of animals and help them find their forever homes. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who need our help the most.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Match Made In Heaven Animal Rescue. We hope that you will consider supporting our organization and helping us save the lives of animals in need!


The Match Made In Heaven Animal Rescue Team

People Also Ask about Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue

What is Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue?

Match Made in Heaven Animal Rescue (MMIH) is a non-profit animal rescue organization that is dedicated to rescuing dogs from high-kill shelters, abusive situations, and neglectful homes all over the United States. They provide these dogs with medical attention, training, and loving foster homes until they can be matched with their forever families.

How can I adopt a dog from MMIH?

To adopt a dog from MMIH, you must first fill out an adoption application on their website. Once your application has been reviewed, you will be contacted to schedule a meet-and-greet with the dog you are interested in. If the meeting goes well, there will be a home visit to ensure that your home is a safe and secure environment for the dog. If everything checks out, you will be able to finalize the adoption!

Can I volunteer with MMIH?

Yes! MMIH relies on volunteers to help with everything from dog socialization to fundraising events. Check out their volunteer page on their website to get started.

Does MMIH only rescue dogs?

Currently, MMIH only focuses on rescuing, rehabilitating, and rehoming dogs. However, they often collaborate with other organizations to help support the rescue efforts of other animals.

How can I donate to MMIH?

MMIH accepts donations through their website, as well as through fundraisers, adoption events, and Amazon wishlists. You can also purchase merchandise from their online store, with proceeds going towards their rescue efforts.

What is the adoption fee for a dog from MMIH?

The adoption fee for a dog from MMIH varies depending on the age, size, and breed of the dog. However, it typically falls between $200-$500. This fee helps to cover the costs of medical care, transportation, and food for the dog while in rescue.

Do dogs from MMIH come spayed/neutered and up-to-date on vaccines?

Yes, all dogs from MMIH come spayed or neutered, up-to-date on vaccines, and microchipped. They also receive any necessary medical care and training before being adopted out to their forever homes.

How can I stay updated on MMIH's rescue efforts?

Follow MMIH on social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) to stay updated on their latest rescue stories and events. You can also sign up for their newsletter on their website.