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Discover the Consequences of Rotten Fruit in Animal Crossing New Horizons - A Guide for Players

Animal Crossing New Horizons is a fun, quirky game filled with cute animal characters, picturesque landscapes, and endless activities. One of the key components of this game is the fruit that grows on trees. But what happens when that fruit goes bad? That's right; it becomes rotten fruit! In this article, we'll explore the ins and outs of rotten fruit in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

Have you ever been running around your island in Animal Crossing New Horizons, only to come across a tree filled with rotten fruit? It's not a pretty sight. Rotten fruit is a common occurrence in the game, and can have negative effects on both your island and your gameplay experience.

So, why does fruit go bad in Animal Crossing New Horizons? Well, just like in real life, fruit in the game has a limited lifespan. Fruit trees will produce new fruit every few days, but if that fruit is left unharvested for too long, it will eventually rot.

But what can you do with all of that rotten fruit on your island? Believe it or not, there are actually some uses for it. You can use it as bait to attract flies and ants, which can then be caught and added to your insect museum collection. Additionally, certain characters in the game, like the pigs Timmy and Tommy, will actually buy rotten fruit from you at a discounted price.

But before you get too excited about selling your rotten fruit, it's important to note that having too much of it on your island can actually have negative consequences. Rotten fruit attracts fruit flies, which can infest your trees and make them less productive. To avoid this, make sure to harvest your fruit regularly and dispose of any rotten fruit promptly.

If you're struggling with too much rotten fruit on your island, don't worry; there are some steps you can take to prevent it from happening. One helpful tip is to shake your fruit trees regularly, even if you don't plan on harvesting the fruit right away. This will ensure that any ripe fruit doesn't go to waste and turn into rotten fruit.

Another helpful strategy is to plant different types of fruit trees on your island. That way, if one type of fruit does go bad, you'll still have others to rely on. Plus, having a diverse orchard can make your island look even more beautiful!

If you do end up with a lot of rotten fruit on your hands, don't despair. You can always compost it! Composting in Animal Crossing New Horizons works just like in real life - simply dig a hole in the ground, place your rotten fruit in it, and cover it up. Over time, the fruit will decompose and turn into nutrient-rich soil that can be used to grow even more fruit or other plants.

In conclusion, while rotten fruit may not be the most pleasant sight in Animal Crossing New Horizons, it's an inevitable part of the game. With a little foresight and some proactive steps, however, you can minimize its impact on your island and continue to enjoy all the other wonderful aspects of the game!

So, whether you're a seasoned Animal Crossing player or a new player just starting out, don't let rotten fruit get you down. With the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can keep your island looking beautiful and fruitful (pun intended!) for years to come!

Animal Crossing has always been a popular game among children and adults. With the release of Animal Crossing New Horizons, players have even more opportunities to explore their creativity and imagination. In this game, players can do anything from designing their own island to catching fish and bugs. However, not everything in the game is as pleasant as it seems. One of the features that give players trouble are rotten fruits.

Rotten Fruits in Animal Crossing New Horizons

Fruits are one of the most important commodities in Animal Crossing New Horizons. They allow you to get food, make medicine, and sell for bells. However, sometimes these fruits start to rot, and players are left with no other choice but to discard them. Rotten fruits can cause clutter on your island, create an unpleasant smell, and attract flies. That's why it's essential to learn how to properly dispose of them.

The Consequences of Rotten Fruits

As stated earlier, one of the main consequences of having rotten fruit is the clutter it creates. Since players can only carry limited items at a time, the last thing they want is to use their inventory space for something that has no value. This can make traveling to different parts of the island much harder and discouraging.

Furthermore, rotten fruits can also generate an awful smell. Since games such as Animal Crossing focus on creating an immersive experience, smelly fruits can cause players to feel queasy and unenjoyable. Lastly, rotten fruits can attract flies. Flies are pesky critters that will roam around your Island until you successfully catch them. These bugs aren't overly challenging to catch, but they're an unwanted nuisance that you can avoid.

How to Dispose of Rotten Fruits in Animal Crossing New Horizons

While the consequences of rotten fruits are evident, not every player knows how to properly dispose of them. Here are a few tips to help you dispose of rotten fruits from your island:

1. Pick Them Up and Throw Them Away

The most apparent way to dispose of rotten fruits is to pick them up and throw them away. To do this, equip your shovel, stand in front of the fruit, and press 'A.' Your character will then dig up the desired fruit, allowing you to place it into your inventory. After that, run to a nearby trash can and select the fruit you want to throw away. This will ensure that the rotten fruits don't take up any space in your room or inventory.

2. Feed Them to Flies

While flies may be an unwelcome presence, feeding them is another way to dispose of rotten fruits. To attract flies, leave your rotten fruits out in the open. Over some time, flies will start to buzz around the item until you successfully catch them.

3. Add Rotten Fruits to Your Compost Bin

If you're someone who values sustainability, adding rotten fruits to your compost bin is an excellent choice. Composting allows you to create new soil by using organic material, such as food waste. To use this feature in Animal Crossing New Horizons, all you have to do is go to Nook's Cranny and buy a compost bin. Once you possess one, go to your inventory and select the item you want to compost. Drag that item into the compost bin, and you'll see the composting process start.


Learning how to manage your rotten fruits in Animal Crossing New Horizons is important. The consequences of mismanaging can lead to clutter, a terrible smell, and unwanted flies. By properly disposing of your rotten fruits, you're keeping your island tidy and enhancing your experience in the game. Follow the tips mentioned and stop smelling those rotting fruits!

Comparing Rotten Fruit in Animal Crossing: New Horizons


Animal Crossing: New Horizons has taken the world by storm. In this simulation game, players build their own island, interact with fellow animal villagers, and harvest fruit trees for resources — including apples, cherries, peaches, pears, and oranges. However, sometimes players will encounter rotten fruit, which may or may not have a negative impact on their gameplay. In this blog post, we’ll compare rotten fruit to fresh fruit and explore its various uses.

Fresh Fruit vs. Rotten Fruit

Fresh fruit is essential in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Players can eat it to regain energy, donate it to the museum, sell it for bells, or use it to craft various items. Rotten fruit, on the other hand, serves only a few purposes. When players try to eat it, they’ll shake their head and declare that “it doesn’t look very appetizing.” This means that it cannot be used to regain energy. Additionally, players cannot donate it to the museum nor sell it at Nook’s Cranny. The only way to dispose of it is to throw it in the trash or bury it in a hole.

Using Rotten Fruit as Bait for Flies

Even though rotten fruit cannot be used for traditional purposes, it does serve a unique function: bait for flies. Players can leave rotten fruit on the ground, and after a few minutes, flies will swarm the fruit. If players catch the flies with a net, they can add them to their Critterpedia. Flies are worth 60 bells, so this is a relatively lucrative way to get rid of rotten fruit.

Rotten Fruit and Villager Relationships

Believe it or not, rotten fruit can have an impact on player relationships with their animal neighbors. If players leave rotten fruit on the ground near a villager’s home, that villager will become upset. They might say something like “What’s that stinky smell?” or “I hope whoever left that rotten fruit picks it up soon.” If players continue to neglect the problem, their friendship level with that villager will decrease.

Rotting Process

Fruit in Animal Crossing: New Horizons will rot one week after it is picked off the tree. This means that players have seven days to use the fruit before it becomes unusable. Additionally, if a villager waters a fruit tree too much, the tree will produce more fruit than it can handle, and some of that fruit may rot before players can harvest it.

Rotten Fruit and Money Trees

Money trees are a unique feature in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Players can bury bells in the ground and potentially grow a tree that yields three bags of bells. However, some players have reported that using rotten fruit to plant money trees will increase their chances of getting triple the bells. This has not been officially confirmed by the game developers, but players are welcome to experiment with this trick.

Rotten Fruit and Turnips

Turnips are another way for players to make a profit in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Daisy Mae will sell turnips every Sunday from 5:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Players can buy these turnips and then sell them at Nook’s Cranny for a profit later in the week. However, if players wait too long to sell their turnips, they will go bad and become unusable. Some players have reported that leaving rotten fruit near turnips increases their chances of becoming spoiled.

Tips for Avoiding Rotten Fruit

Rotten fruit can be a nuisance to deal with, but players can take steps to prevent it from happening. Firstly, players should try to harvest their fruit as soon as possible after it grows. This will prevent villagers from watering the trees too much and overproducing fruit. Secondly, players can store their fruit in their house or in a storage facility instead of keeping it on the ground. This will protect the fruit from being stepped on by villagers or spoiled by rain. Finally, players should dispose of their rotten fruit as soon as possible to avoid any negative consequences.

Comparison Table

Comparison Factor Fresh Fruit Rotten Fruit
Usage Eat, donate, sell, craft Use as bait for flies
Disposal Eat, donate, sell, trash, bury Throw in trash or bury in hole
Villager Reaction Neutral or positive Negative
Rotting Process One week after picking off tree One week after picking off tree
Money Trees Not confirmed if rotten fruit helps May increase chances of triple bells
Turnips No effect May increase chances of spoiling turnips


Rotten fruit may not be desirable in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, but it does serve a unique purpose with flies and potentially money trees. Players should take precautions to avoid rotten fruit, such as harvesting fruit promptly and storing it indoors, but if it does occur, players can dispose of it or use it to their advantage. Ultimately, rotten fruit is just another aspect of this immersive and engaging game.

Tips and Tricks to Deal with Rotten Fruits in Animal Crossing New Horizons


Animal Crossing New Horizons is a popular and addicting game that has captured the hearts of millions of gamers worldwide. However, it is not uncommon for players to come across rotten fruits in their island paradise. Rotten fruits can be detrimental to the gameplay experience, as they can ruin your crops, pollute your water, and attract pesky flies. In this article, I will share some tips and tricks on how to deal with rotten fruits in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

1. Know the Causes of Rotten Fruits

Before we dive into the tips and tricks, let's first understand the root cause of rotten fruits. In Animal Crossing New Horizons, fruits can get rotten when they are left on the ground for too long. Once you pick a fruit from a tree, it has a shelf life of three days. After three days, it will start to rot and turn brown. Rotten fruits emit an unpleasant odor which attracts flies and other insects.

2. Pick Your Fruits Regularly

To prevent fruits from rotting, you must pick them regularly. Make it a habit to collect fruits from your trees every day. This will not only keep your island clean and tidy but also give you fresh fruits to sell or trade with other players.

3. Use the Shovel Trick

The shovel trick is a useful tool to prevent fruits from rotting. If you accidentally leave a fruit on the ground, simply dig a hole next to it using your shovel and bury the fruit. The buried fruit will decay over time, but it will not affect the surrounding area or attract flies.

4. Keep Your Island Clean

Cleaning your island regularly can prevent the spread of rotten fruits. Make sure to pick up any fruits that have fallen on the ground and dispose of them properly. You can also use a broom or vacuum cleaner to clean up any debris, such as leaves or twigs, that may attract flies.

5. Sell Your Rotten Fruits

Believe it or not, you can still make money from rotten fruits in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Tom Nook will buy rotten fruits from you for 100 bells each. While it may not be a lot of money, it's still a useful way to dispose of the fruits you can't sell or use.

6. Use Rotten Fruits as Compost

Another way to dispose of your rotten fruits is by using them as compost. Composting is an eco-friendly way of disposing of organic waste while providing nutrients for your plants. Simply bury the rotten fruit in the soil alongside your crops, and it will decompose over time, enriching the soil and promoting healthy plant growth.

7. Don't Let Other Villagers Spread Rotten Fruits

Your island is home to various animal villagers who may leave fruits on the ground and forget about them. Check your villagers' houses and surroundings regularly to ensure that no one has left any fruits to rot. You can also advise your villagers on how to dispose of their waste properly.

8. Use a Fly Net

Flies are attracted to rotten fruits, and they can be annoying and distracting when you're trying to play the game. Use a fly net to catch flies and get rid of them. You can also use a bug zapper or turn off the lights at night to discourage insects from flying around your island.

9. Keep Track of Your Fruits

Keeping track of your fruits can help you avoid leaving them to rot. Use a journal or a planner to write down the date when you pick your fruits and when they will expire. This way, you can keep track of which fruits need to be picked and which ones are about to rot.

10. Be Patient

Finally, remember that patience is key when dealing with rotten fruits. It's not the end of the world if a fruit rots here and there. Just pick it up and dispose of it properly, and move on to the next one.


Rotten fruits can be a nuisance in Animal Crossing New Horizons, but with the right tips and tricks, you can deal with them effectively. Remember to pick your fruits regularly, use the shovel trick, keep your island clean, and take advantage of composting and selling options. Being patient and keeping track of your fruits can also go a long way in preventing rotting. With these simple steps, you can keep your island paradise clean and enjoyable for all its inhabitants.

Why You Should Avoid Rotten Fruits in Animal Crossing New Horizons

Animal Crossing New Horizons is a game that revolves around creating your own island and building a community with your animal friends. However, one of the critical elements that players often overlook is the presence of rotten fruits on their island.

While the concept of rotten fruit may seem insignificant, it can have a significant impact on your gameplay experience. In this article, we will provide you with an in-depth guide to why you should avoid rotten fruits in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

What are rotten fruits?

Rotten fruits refer to any fruit in the game that has been left too long on the ground or in storage. Players can obtain many types of fruits in Animal Crossing New Horizons, such as apples, cherries, pears, and more. Fresh fruits are an essential element of your island's economy, as they can be used to trade with other players or sold for bells to purchase different products.

However, if the fruit remains unpicked for too long, it will eventually start to rot, indicated by the appearance of tiny black spots and a swarming spawn of flies around it.

What happens if you consume rotten fruits?

Eating rotten fruits will cause your character to become infected with a disease known as Wasp Sting. This illness brings about various negative effects, such as significantly slower movements, having trouble hitting things or catching bugs during this time, and shows a clear visual distinction by making your character’s face puffier than before.

To recover from the Wasp Sting disease, players need to either wait it out for a couple of days or take a reliable medicine that can reverse its effects. So, it is crucial to avoid consuming rotten fruits to avoid this annoying and time-consuming situation.

Why shouldn’t you sell rotten fruits?

Compared to fresh fruits, selling rotten fruits will bring about a much lower profit or none at all. Moreover, if players choose to sell their rotting fruit, they may also risk spreading the disease to other animals on the island, putting more people in danger of becoming infected with the Wasp Sting ailment.

What should you do with your rotten fruits?

If players come across any rotten fruits on their island, it is essential to get rid of them immediately. To dispose of your spoiled fruit, players can throw them into the garbage can, which can be found in Resident Services.

Alternatively, players can bury their rotten fruits to help speed up the growth of trees containing non-rotting fruits. When the player buries rotten fru it, it will ultimately decrease the level of toxicity in the ground and help improve the growth rate of future fruit trees on the island.

The importance of keeping your island clean

Keeping your island clean is an essential factor in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Constantly checking for small details such as rotten fruits will help keep your island hygienic and safe for both your character and the animals around the island. This way, players can create a fantastic and enjoyable gameplay experience for themselves.

Beware of fruit parasites

In addition to rotten fruits, there is another threat that may sneakily reside inside fresh fruit: fruit parasites! Fruit Parasites are tiny, squirming worms that are harder to spot compared to rotting fruits. These little insects can be found in specific types of fresh fruits taken from other islands or friend’s islands. If a fruit has fruit parasite, it will not visibly showcase any changes and can only be found once the fruit has been consumed.

The effects of fruit parasites

Once consumed, players will experience the same Wasp Sting ailment as when consuming rotten fruit. As mentioned earlier, it causes a significant disturbance to the game's day-to-day gameplay and ultimately leads players to invest time and resources in recovering quickly from their newly acquired disease.

How to avoid fruit parasites?

The best way to avoid this dilemma is to stay cautious when visiting other friend’s islands to obtain their fresh fruits. Make sure you inspect each fruit thoroughly before taking it back to your island. Ask your friend to do the same so that everyone can have a clean and smooth-running island experience.

Closing Message

To sum up, after reading through this article, we hope you've realized the negative impact that comes with consuming and selling rotten fruits on Animal Crossing. In essence, rotten fruits bring down the overall quality of the player's island and ultimately affect the gameplay experience. So, players should take care of their islands, consistently checking for rotten fruits and fruit parasites, which brings disorder to the game. By doing so, your island will remain neat and clean, making your gaming experience one worth playing and showing off to your friends!

People Also Ask about Animal Crossing New Horizons Rotten Fruit

What are rotten fruits in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

Rotten fruits in Animal Crossing New Horizons are fruits that have been left untouched for too long. These fruits can no longer be consumed by the player or sold to Nook’s Cranny for their regular price. Instead, rotten fruits will emit a foul smell and appearance.

What happens when you eat rotten fruit in Animal Crossing?

If you consume a rotten fruit in Animal Crossing New Horizons, your character will become dizzy and pass out. When they wake up, they will find themselves back at home with their pockets empty.

Can you sell rotten fruit in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

No, you cannot sell rotten fruit in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Since it has gone bad, the fruit is worthless and cannot be traded for Bells.

How do you get rid of rotten fruit in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

There are a few ways to get rid of rotten fruit in Animal Crossing New Horizons:

  1. Throw them away in your home garbage bin.
  2. Bury them to create flies, which catch rare fish such as sturgeon or mahi-mahi.
  3. Place them outside to attract ants, which can later be collected and sold to Flick for a higher price than regular bugs.

Can you prevent fruit from going bad in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

Yes, you can prevent fruit from going bad in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Simply harvest your fruit on a regular basis and sell or store them appropriately. Fruits that are kept in your inventory or planted in the ground will not go bad.