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Get Wise with Animal Crossing's Iconic Owl on Your Bulletin Board - An Ultimate Guide

Are you a fan of Animal Crossing? Have you noticed the Owl on the Bulletin Board in the game? If not, you’re missing out on a whole new perspective of this popular and beloved game. In this article, we will explore all that there is to know about this engaging and enigmatic character: the owl on the bulletin board.

For those who are not familiar with it, Animal Crossing is a life simulation game where players have to create their world and interact with animals. One of the most exciting things about this game is the bulletin board, where players can post messages. And that’s where the owl comes in!

The owl on the bulletin board is a wise and mysterious creature who sits atop the bulletin board signpost. He waits patiently for players to approach him and interact. When you first meet him, he may seem like just another character in Animal Crossing. However, you will soon realize that he has much more to offer than meets the eye.

Did you know that the owl is based on a real-life mascot? His name is Blathers, and he serves as the curator of the Museum in Animal Crossing. Blathers is known for his vast knowledge of facts and artifacts.

So, what can the owl on the bulletin board do for you? Well, for starters, he can help you communicate with other players. As mentioned earlier, the bulletin board is a central hub where players post messages. The owl acts as the moderator, making sure that all posts are appropriate and relevant to the game.

Have you ever been stuck in the game and didn’t know what to do next? Well, fear not! The owl is here to help. He offers players helpful tips and tricks about Animal Crossing, including how to catch rare fish or insects, and how to design the perfect island.

Are you looking to connect with other players from around the world? Then join the owl-themed pages on Facebook, Instagram and Reddit. Here you’ll find a community of like-minded players, all passionate about their love for Animal Crossing.

But wait, there’s more! Did you know that the owl on the bulletin board also has his own mini-game? That’s right – if you correctly guess the number of feathers on him, he will reward you with rare items for your in-game collection.

In conclusion, the owl on the bulletin board in Animal Crossing is much more than just a character in the game. He offers players a wealth of knowledge, tips, and tricks, and serves as a valued moderator for the community. If you haven’t yet interacted with him, we highly recommend doing so!

So, next time you’re playing Animal Crossing, don’t forget to stop by the bulletin board and say hello to the owl. Who knows what new surprises and insights he might have waiting for you!


For those of us who have played Animal Crossing, we're all aware of the bulletin board feature that has been an essential part of the game ever since its inception. The bulletin board is the heart of the game where villagers leave notes, the mayor and the secretary can post up updates, announcements and events for the town to enjoy. But have you ever stopped to look at the owl that sits atop the bulletin board?

The Owl on the Bulletin Board

The owl on the bulletin board is not just any ordinary decorative piece. The owl has a significant role in the Animal Crossing world, and it might surprise you to know that it's not just a design element. The owl's name is Blathers, and he's the curator of the town's museum. When you first start playing the game, it's Blathers' job to teach you about the different types of fish and insects that inhabit your town. As soon as you catch a new type of fish or bug, you can show it to Blathers for identification and an interesting bit of trivia about it.

Who is Blathers?

Blathers is more than just an owl; he's a character that adds depth and interest to the game. He's incredibly passionate about his work, and it's evident in the way he talks about the different species in the museum. Blathers' love for his work often makes him overenthusiastic, leading to him getting carried away with his explanations.

A Fan Favorite

Blathers has become a fan favorite due to his loveable personality and his awkwardness around bugs. As it turns out, Blathers is terrified of bugs, which makes it extra hilarious to hear him explain about them. The Animal Crossing community adores Blathers so much that they've even created fan art and memes about him.

The NookLink App

The Animal Crossing franchise has been around for over a decade, and it's evolved a lot over the years. However, the latest installment of the game, New Horizons, has taken things up a notch. The new game introduces a companion application called NookLink, which has added more functionality to the game. Players can use the app to scan QR codes to get custom designs into the game and chat with fellow players on its messaging system.

Talking to Blathers Using NookLink

One significant update that comes with New Horizons is having the ability to speak with Blathers using the NookLink app. Players can ask Blathers about any species in their museum collections and hear his thoughts on them. Additionally, Blathers can help you identify fossils, which is incredibly useful for completing your museum's fossil collection.


In conclusion, the owl on the bulletin board is more than just decoration. Blathers is a lovable character that adds depth and interest to the already fantastic Animal Crossing franchise. His passion for his work and awkwardness around bugs have made him a fan favorite, and with the launch of New Horizons, players can now speak with Blathers through the NookLink app. So, the next time you're playing Animal Crossing, take a moment to appreciate Blathers and all the work he does to keep your town's museum running.

Animal Crossing Owl on Bulletin Board Comparison

The History of Animal Crossing:

Launched by Nintendo in 2001, Animal Crossing became an instant success and has since released multiple versions. The game has been praised for its cute graphics, innovative features, and engaging gameplay. One of the most beloved aspects of Animal Crossing is its cast of memorable characters, including the owl on the bulletin board.

Who is the Owl on the Bulletin Board?

The owl on the bulletin board is none other than Blathers, the curator of the local museum. Blathers has a passion for all things history, science, and art-related, making him a valuable resource for players looking to complete their collections. However, Blathers can be a bit chatty at times, which makes him the subject of many hilarious memes and fan art.

Design and Appearance:

Blathers is designed to look like a typical owl with a plump body, stubby wings, and big round eyes. His color palette is primarily brown and beige, with accents of cream and yellow. Blathers wears a beige vest with gold buttons, giving him a scholarly appearance.

Keyword Blathers on Bulletin Board Other Animal Crossing Characters
Appearance Brown and beige owl with round eyes and a scholarly vest Wide range of cartoonish animals with varied appearances
Personality Passionate curator with a tendency to ramble Varies greatly, from lazy to peppy and everything in between
Role in game Curator of local museum, helps players complete collections Varies, could be a shopkeeper, villager, or special character
Fanbase Loved by players for his knowledge and quirky personality Each character has their own fanbase, but none as iconic as Blathers

Blathers' Personality:

Blathers is known for his passion for history, which translates into his love for collecting items for the museum. He can be quite talkative when given the chance to discuss his interests, which makes him one of the more memorable characters in the game. Blathers also has a cute fear of bugs, making him relatable to many fans.

Role in the Game:

Blathers runs the museum in Animal Crossing, making him an important NPC for players looking to complete their collections. Players can donate fossils, insects, fish, and works of art they find to the museum to unlock exhibits and learn about each item's history. Blathers will often give players fun facts about each exhibit, adding to the game's overall educational value.

Other Animal Crossing Characters:

Animal Crossing features a diverse cast of characters, with over 400 villagers and countless special characters. Each character has their unique personality, design, and role in the game. Some of the most beloved characters include Tom Nook, the friendly shop owner who assists players in building and upgrading their homes, and Isabelle, the adorable assistant to the player's character who provides tips and guidance.


Blathers has become one of the most iconic characters in Animal Crossing, with fans creating tons of fan art, memes, and even a hashtag dedicated to him on social media: #blathersglossary. His quirky personality, love of history, and cute design have made him beloved by players worldwide.

Final Thoughts:

Overall, Blathers on the bulletin board is a beloved and unforgettable character in the world of Animal Crossing. His personality, design, and role in the game make him an essential NPC for players looking to complete their collections. However, what truly makes Blathers special is his passion for history and his tendency to ramble, making him a lovable and relatable character in the gaming community.

Tips on Interacting with Animal Crossing’s Owl on Bulletin Board

If you are a fan of the popular simulation game, Animal Crossing, then you must have come across an owl on the bulletin board once or twice. The owl is known as Blathers, the curator of the in-game museum. While Blathers may seem unapproachable at first, he is a delightful character to interact with once you get to know him. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your interactions with Blathers.

What is the Bulletin Board?

Before we dive into how to interact with Blathers, let's talk about what the bulletin board is. The bulletin board is located in the town square and is where the villagers post announcements, events, and even messages to one another. This is where Blathers comes in. He will occasionally be found perched on the board, waiting for someone to approach him.

1. Talks about History and Art

Blathers’ main role in the game is to educate players about history and art. If you have any fossils, fish, or other collectibles that you find during your gameplay, you can donate them to Blathers to expand the museum's collection. In return, Blathers will give detailed descriptions of each item, including interesting facts and background information.

2. Shares Fun Facts

Blathers is also filled with fun and interesting facts about the animals and objects in the game. Whenever you bring him something new to add to the museum or talk to him about the latest events in the town, he always has something informative to share.

3. Gives Out Advice and Tips

In addition to educational information, Blathers can also provide advice and tips to help improve your gameplay. For example, he can help you identify which fish are the rarest and give advice on how to catch them. He can also provide details about which fossils are missing from the museum's collection.

4. Shares Stories

Blathers is also a great storyteller! If you spend enough time talking with him, he will start to share interesting stories. These stories can be about his past experiences or about the latest sightings in the town.

5. Generates Interest in the Museum

Lastly, Blathers generates interest in the museum. By encouraging players to donate items and learn more about the exhibits, he inspires them to keep coming back and learning more. He even awards players with badges for their contributions.In conclusion, if you are an Animal Crossing player, don't miss out on the opportunity to interact with Blathers on the bulletin board. With his wealth of knowledge and engaging personality, he is sure to enhance your gameplay experience.

The Wise Animal Crossing Owl on the Bulletin Board

When it comes to adding clever little touches to video games, nobody does it better than the team behind Animal Crossing. From adorable talking animals to innovative gameplay mechanics, there's always something new and exciting to discover in this fan-favorite series.

One charming feature that has been present in virtually every installment of the game involves a wise old owl who hangs out on the bulletin board in your village. This owl's name is Blathers, and he just might be the most beloved character in the entire Animal Crossing universe.

Blathers is a museum curator who is passionate about all things historical and scientific. He collects a wide range of different specimens, from fossils and fish to works of art and even music, and he loves sharing his knowledge with other players.

The great thing about Blathers is that he's much more than just a cartoon bird on a bulletin board. He's an actual character who you can interact with throughout the game. He can give you some valuable tips about collecting different items or help you learn more about the history of your village.

One of the most unique aspects of Blathers' character is his fear of bugs. While most players love catching creepy crawly critters such as beetles and spiders, Blathers would rather not have them anywhere near him! It's clear that he's not a fan of the creepy, crawly creatures, but we love him for it nonetheless.

Despite his quirks, Blathers is an incredibly endearing character who brings a lot of personality to the game. He's knowledgeable, witty, and always happy to lend a helping hand to his fellow players.

So, what is it exactly that makes Blathers so special? Well, for one thing, he's just plain cool. He wears a slick bow tie and top hat, giving him an air of sophistication that is hard not to admire. Additionally, his deep voice and love for all things historical give him a sense of worldly wisdom that is simply charming.

Blathers also provides a unique way to learn more about the world around us. By collecting different items and donating them to his museum, players can expand their knowledge of everything from fossils to artwork. This adds a whole new layer of depth to the game that is both educational and fun.

Lastly, Blathers helps bring people together. As players share tips and tricks for catching different animals or finding specific items, they inevitably spend time talking about their in-game experiences. Blathers helps foster this sense of community by providing a central hub for players to gather and learn together.

All in all, it's easy to see why Blathers has become such a beloved character in the Animal Crossing franchise. He's wise, funny, and incredibly charming, making him a great addition to any village. Whether you're a seasoned veteran of the series or a newcomer looking to experience the magic firsthand, we highly recommend checking out Blathers and all he has to offer.

If you're already a fan of this lovable little owl, be sure to keep an eye out for him the next time you boot up Animal Crossing. Whether he's hanging out on your bulletin board or chatting with you at the museum, there's always something new and exciting to discover with this wonderful character.

Thanks for reading!

People Also Ask About Animal Crossing Owl On Bulletin Board

Who is the owl on the bulletin board in Animal Crossing?

The owl on the bulletin board in Animal Crossing is named Blathers. He is the curator of the museum in the game and is known for his extensive knowledge of various species of creatures.

What is the purpose of the bulletin board in Animal Crossing?

The bulletin board in Animal Crossing serves as a means of communication between players in the game. Players can use the bulletin board to post messages, events, or other information they want to share with others in the community.

Can you customize the bulletin board in Animal Crossing?

Yes, players can customize the bulletin board in Animal Crossing by adding their own designs and patterns. This allows players to create unique and personalized messages and announcements.

How do you access the bulletin board in Animal Crossing?

To access the bulletin board in Animal Crossing, players must interact with it using the A button on their controller. Once activated, players can read messages posted by others or create their own messages to share with the community.

How do you get Blathers to appear on the bulletin board in Animal Crossing?

Blathers will appear on the bulletin board in Animal Crossing once players have donated a certain number of items to the museum. Once he appears, players can interact with him to obtain information about the creatures and items they have donated.