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Unleashing the Mesmerizing Big Black Hole Song: A Sublime Addition to Animal Kingdom's Musical Repertoire

Are you a fan of catchy tunes and fun animal facts? Look no further than the newest hit song, Big Black Hole by Animal Kingdom! This playful tune will have you tapping your toes and learning about the incredible creatures that call our planet home.

Did you know that black holes are actually found in space, not on Earth? But that doesn't stop Animal Kingdom from creating a lively song that celebrates these mysterious phenomena.

One of the best things about Big Black Hole is how it seamlessly blends music and science education. With clever lyrics like Gravity's grip is pulling us down, but if we fell in, we wouldn't be found, listeners can learn about gravity and the properties of black holes in a fun and engaging way.

If you're a teacher or a parent looking to inject some excitement into science lessons, this song is the perfect fit. Try playing it for your class or children and see how quickly they pick up on the scientific information presented in the lyrics.

But even if you're not a science enthusiast, Big Black Hole has something for everyone. The melody is catchy and upbeat, and the animal references provide a lighthearted touch that will put a smile on your face.

Take, for example, the line Swallowing galaxies whole like a great white shark. Besides being a humorous comparison, it also highlights the incredible power of black holes in the universe.

Another memorable line comes when Animal Kingdom sings about firework-star remnants, which refers to the explosion of stars that create supernovae. It's a poetic phrase that captures the wonder and beauty of the cosmos.

If you're still not convinced that Big Black Hole deserves a spot in your music library, consider the fact that Animal Kingdom is donating a portion of the proceeds from the song to wildlife conservation. By enjoying this fun and educational tune, you're also giving back to the planet.

But perhaps the real selling point of Big Black Hole is just how darn fun it is to listen to. The song is perfect for dance parties, road trips, or just singing along in the shower.

So what are you waiting for? Head to your favorite music streaming site and give Big Black Hole a listen today. You won't regret it!

In summary, Big Black Hole by Animal Kingdom is a delightful blend of music and science education that will entertain and educate listeners of all ages. With its catchy melody, clever lyrics, and playful animal references, this song is the perfect addition to any music collection. So come join the fun and explore the mysteries of the universe with Big Black Hole.


Scientists have been studying the vastness of the universe since the dawn of civilization. In recent years, black holes have become one of the most studied phenomena in space. Apart from their intriguing nature, they also inspired several artists to create works that resonate with the concept of infinity and mystery. One such creation is the song Big Black Hole by the American band, Animal Kingdom.

The Band

Animal Kingdom is an indie rock band hailing from London. The trio consists of Richard Sauberlich on vocals and guitar, Hamish Crombie on bass, and Geoff Lea on drums. They formed in 2009, and their music often has an ethereal and dream-like quality. They released their first two albums, Signs and Warnings and The Looking Away, in 2009 and 2012, respectively.

The Song

Big Black Hole is a song that explores the vastness of space and the unknown. It uses imagery and metaphors to describe the concept of a black hole, which is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. The lyrics convey a sense of mystery and awe, as if the singer is gazing through a telescope into the depths of the universe.

Verse 1

The opening verse of the song sets the tone for the rest of the piece. The lyrics portray a sense of wonder and fascination with space and its vastness. Lines like Here we are in the dark / nothing to see but stars and All around us the universe expands / infinite space at our command paint a picture of a world beyond our grasp.


The chorus of the song repeats the phrase Big black hole several times. The repetition gives a sense of the enormity and unrelenting nature of a black hole. It's like the singer is trying to impress upon the listener the gravity of the situation.

Verse 2

In the second verse, the song takes on a more introspective tone. The lyrics touch upon the idea of existence and what it means to be alive. In the lines What do we know? Who are we here? / How do we love? Why do we fear? the singer is asking fundamental questions about the nature of humanity.


The chorus is repeated again in this section, and the repetition emphasizes the ominous nature of the black hole.


The bridge of the song adds a layer of complexity to the lyrics. It talks about the futility of existence, and the inevitability of death. In the lines Everything we are / everything we love / everything fades away / never enough, the singer is acknowledging that nothing lasts forever.


The chorus is repeated one final time, and the repetition leaves the listener with a sense of emptiness and dread. The final line of the song, Big black hole, take it all, leaves the listener with the impression that even though we strive to understand existence and our place in the universe, ultimately, we will all succumb to the grasp of a black hole.


Big Black Hole by Animal Kingdom is a haunting and beautiful song that explores the complexities of human existence and the vastness of space. The lyrics are layered and complex, offering a unique perspective on the concept of black holes. The repetition of the chorus emphasizes the enormity and inevitability of a black hole, which leaves the listener with an eerie feeling that lingers long after the song has ended.

Comparison of Big Black Hole Song with Animal Kingdom


Music can evoke emotions that transcend barriers of language and culture. It is not uncommon for popular songs to draw inspiration from the natural world, and this comparison article explores the relationship between the song Big Black Hole and the animal kingdom.

Defining the Terms

To understand the comparison better, let us define the terms first. Big Black Hole is a song written and performed by the British singer-songwriter Jamie T. It was released in 2014 as part of his fourth album Carry On The Grudge. On the other hand, the animal kingdom refers to all living organisms that are classified as animals, including insects, birds, fish, mammals, and more.


The lyrics of Big Black Hole are inspired by the struggles of addiction and the feeling of being trapped in destructive patterns. Interestingly, the animal kingdom offers several examples of creatures who face similar challenges. For instance, some species of crabs can get addicted to certain drugs that cause them to alter their behaviors and become susceptible to predators.


Metaphors are a powerful way to convey meaning through music, and Big Black Hole uses several animal-themed metaphors to describe addiction. For example, the lyrics compare drug use to a spider's web (Wrapped up knocking on my door / Then your spiderweb wrapped around my head) and a bear trap (This bear trap won't let me go, no matter how I struggle). These metaphors are effective in painting a vivid picture of the dangers of addiction.

Survival Strategies

One of the most fascinating aspects of the animal kingdom is the vast array of survival strategies that different species have evolved over time. From camouflage and mimicry to hunting in groups, animals have developed various methods of ensuring their survival. The song Big Black Hole acknowledges this fact, as the lyrics suggest that the protagonist is aware of the dangers of addiction but finds it challenging to break free (I'm aware of my situation / But no matter how hard I try / I can't find the exit).

Human-Animal Comparison

The animal kingdom is often used as a metaphor for human behavior and emotions in literature, art, and music. In the case of Big Black Hole, the song draws parallels between addiction and animal instincts, suggesting that both can be powerful and difficult to resist.

Ecological Connections

Finally, it's worth noting that the animal kingdom and human society are interconnected in many ways, including ecologically. Humans often have a significant impact on animal habitats, and the loss of certain species can have significant consequences for ecosystems. Big Black Hole touches on this theme as well, as the lyrics suggest that the protagonist's addiction has caused harm to those around him.

Table Comparison

Keywords Big Black Hole Song Animal Kingdom
Inspiration Challenges of addiction and feeling trapped Various organisms struggling with addiction-like challenges
Metaphors Drug use described as a spider's web, bear trap The animal kingdom has inspired numerous metaphors about human behavior and emotions.
Survival Strategies Protgonist is aware of dangers of addiction but finds it challenging to break free A vast array of survival strategies ranging from mimicry to hunting in groups
Human-Animal Comparison Suggests parallels between addiction and animal instincts The animal kingdom has been often used as a metaphor for human behavior and emotions.
Ecological Connections The protagonist's addiction has caused harm to those around him The loss of certain species can have significant consequences for ecosystems.


In conclusion, Big Black Hole offers an interesting perspective on addiction that draws upon the natural world, specifically the animal kingdom. By using metaphors and drawing parallels between human and animal behavior, the song creates a powerful image of the dangers of addiction that transcends language and culture. At the same time, it highlights the interconnectedness between human society and the animal kingdom and the importance of ecological conservation. The lyrics may be challenging for those who have struggled with addiction themselves, but they offer a poignant reminder of the importance of seeking help and breaking free from destructive patterns.

Unveiling the Mystery Behind Big Black Hole Song of Animal Kingdom


The Big Black Hole song is a mysterious and unusual phenomenon that has left animal researchers puzzled for years. It is a fascinating acoustic behavior that has been observed in a few species, including the humpback whale and the European Robin. This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the Big Black Hole song, its significance, and how it is used by animals.

What is the Big Black Hole Song?

The Big Black Hole song is a low-frequency sound that is produced by animals in deep, dark environments such as caves or tunnels. It is characterized by a distinct “hole” in the middle of the frequency spectrum, which makes it unique compared to other animal vocalizations. This phenomenon was discovered by researchers at Cornell University, who were studying the communication patterns of the European Robin.

What Causes the Big Black Hole?

The exact mechanism that causes the Big Black Hole is still unknown, but scientists speculate that it could be a combination of factors related to the physical environment and the animal's vocal abilities. One theory suggests that the sound wave gets reflected and absorbed by some material, creating the “black hole” effect. Another possibility is that the animal adjusts its vocalization to overcome limitations associated with the environment.

Which Animals Produce the Big Black Hole Song?

The Big Black Hole song has been observed in several animal species, but the most well-known examples are the humpback whale and the European Robin. In both cases, the sound is used for communication purposes, particularly during breeding season. The humpback whale uses the song to attract mates, while the European Robin produces it to defend its territory.

Why Is The Big Black Hole Song Important?

The Big Black Hole song is significant for multiple reasons. Firstly, it helps researchers better understand animal communication patterns and how they adapt to specific environmental conditions. Secondly, this discovery could have potential applications in engineering and acoustic design, where the black hole effect could be replicated to improve sound absorption in buildings or transportation systems. Finally, it sheds light on the mysterious and fascinating world of animal behavior, making us appreciate their complexity and diversity.

How Can You Listen To The Big Black Hole Song?

Listening to Big Black Hole songs requires special equipment that can record and analyze low-frequency sounds. However, some organizations, such as the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, offer online databases of bird vocalizations, including the European Robin. A quick search on YouTube could also provide recordings of humpback whale songs and other animal sounds.

Tips For Recording The Big Black Hole Song

Recording the Big Black Hole song can be a challenging task that requires patience, dedication, and proper equipment. Here are some tips that can help you capture the sound effectively:
  • Locate the animal's habitat – the Big Black Hole song is produced in specific environments such as caves and deep tunnels.
  • Use a high-quality microphone – low-frequency sounds require sensitive microphones to pick them up adequately.
  • Be patient – recording the Big Black Hole song can take several attempts and hours of waiting for animals to produce the sound.
  • Minimize background noise – try to record in areas with minimal human-related noise to maximize the clarity of sound.

The Future Of Research On The Big Black Hole Song

Despite years of research, the mechanisms behind the Big Black Hole song are still not fully understood. In the future, scientists aim to explore more animal species that produce this type of sound, uncover the physiological and behavioral factors involved in the vocalization, and investigate the possible applications of the black hole effect, as we have discussed earlier.


The Big Black Hole song is a unique acoustic behavior that has fascinated researchers for years. Although there is still much to learn about this phenomenon, it has already contributed significantly to our understanding of animal communication and behavior. Listening to this mysterious song can evoke feelings of awe and wonder, reminding us of the infinite wonders that nature offers.

Big Black Hole Song Animal Kingdom: An Ode to the Mysterious Universe

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and felt a sense of wonder and awe at the vast expanse of the universe? The stars that twinkle so brightly, the moon that casts its silvery glow, and the countless planets that remain unexplored - all hold a certain mystery that continues to fascinate us.

Among the many mysteries that exist in the universe, black holes are perhaps the most intriguing. These enigmatic objects are like nothing else in the known universe, and the more we learn about them, the more questions we have. And yet, despite their ominous name, black holes have inspired researchers, artists and even musicians alike, making them a subject of inspiration in the world of art, music and science.

One such example of the black hole's influence is the song Big Black Hole by the band Animal Kingdom. With lyrics that speak to the enigmatic nature of these strange objects and a haunting melody that captures their eerie mystique, this song is a tribute to the majesty and mystery of the universe.

The song's opening lines set the stage for the haunting exploration of the black hole: A light in the darkness / Where do I go? / Down by the river / A deep black hole. These lines evoke both the intrigue and the danger associated with black holes, and the sense of exploring the unknown that comes with venturing into the abyss. The chorus repeats the theme of the black hole as a dark, mysterious force in the universe: Big black hole, oh / Swallowing me whole.

As the song unfolds, the lyrics describe the mesmerizing allure of the black hole, drawing the listener in and tempting them to uncover its secrets. The singularity calls / Hypnotizes my senses / Pulling me closer / It's power immense. This speaks to the fascination that people feel when they contemplate these strange objects and all that they represent.

The second verse of the song takes on a more philosophical tone, as the lyrics explore the existential questions raised by the existence of black holes. A hole in the fabric / Time and space collide / A glimpse at the universe / And then I'm blind. These lines speak to the void that exists at the heart of the black hole, and the sense of being overwhelmed that comes with contemplating the mysteries of the universe.

Throughout the song, Animal Kingdom uses elements of sound and melody to create an atmosphere that captures the otherworldly quality of the black hole. With echoes, reverb and the wailing guitar, the band creates a soundscape that is both haunting and enchanting, leaving the listener spellbound by the music.

In conclusion, Big Black Hole by Animal Kingdom is a tribute to the mysterious and awe-inspiring nature of the universe. Through its lyrics and melody, it captures the essence of the black hole and the sense of wonder that it inspires in those who contemplate it. Whether you're a science enthusiast, a lover of art, or just looking for a captivating song to listen to, Big Black Hole is sure to leave you entranced by the majesty and mystery of the universe.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope it has inspired you to explore the wonders of the universe and to appreciate the beauty and mystery that exists within it. Keep looking up at the skies and never stop wondering!

People Also Ask About Big Black Hole Song Animal Kingdom

What is the Big Black Hole Song Animal Kingdom?

The Big Black Hole Song is a track on the soundtrack album for Disney's Animal Kingdom Rivers of Light show. The song features a variety of animal sounds and tribal-inspired beats that create an immersive listening experience.

Who wrote the Big Black Hole Song Animal Kingdom?

The Big Black Hole Song was composed by Mark Mancina, who is known for his work on a number of popular film soundtracks, including The Lion King and Tarzan. Mancina worked closely with the show's creative team to develop a musical style that would evoke the natural rhythms and textures of the animal kingdom.

What inspired the Big Black Hole Song Animal Kingdom?

The Big Black Hole Song was inspired by the rich visual and auditory landscape of the Animal Kingdom theme park at Walt Disney World. The show's creators aimed to create a musical composition that would reflect the park's diverse ecosystem and highlight the unique sounds of its resident wildlife.

What is the meaning behind the Big Black Hole Song Animal Kingdom?

While the Big Black Hole Song does not have a specific message or narrative, it aims to transport listeners to the heart of the Animal Kingdom park and engage them in a multi-sensory experience that celebrates the beauty and complexity of the natural world. The intricate rhythms and harmonies of the song reflect the dynamic relationships between different species and ecosystems.

Can I listen to the Big Black Hole Song online?

Yes, you can listen to the full track of the Big Black Hole Song Animal Kingdom online. The song is available on popular music streaming services like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music, as well as on the official Rivers of Light soundtrack album.

What other songs are featured in Disney's Animal Kingdom Rivers of Light show?

The Rivers of Light show features a variety of other musical compositions, including the main theme song for the show, We Are One, as well as instrumental pieces like Discovery River and Jungle Book Suite. These songs were created by different composers and aim to capture different aspects of the animal kingdom and its surrounding natural environment.

  • The Big Black Hole Song is a track on the soundtrack album for Disney's Animal Kingdom Rivers of Light show.
  • The Big Black Hole Song was composed by Mark Mancina.
  • The Big Black Hole Song was inspired by the rich visual and auditory landscape of the Animal Kingdom theme park at Walt Disney World.
  • The intricate rhythms and harmonies of the song reflect the dynamic relationships between different species and ecosystems.
  • Yes, you can listen to the full track of the Big Black Hole Song Animal Kingdom online.
  • Other songs that are featured in Disney's Animal Kingdom Rivers of Light show include We Are One, Discovery River, and Jungle Book Suite.