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Discover the Thrilling Underwater World with Sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Sharks may not be everyone's favourite creatures, but in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, they are highly sought after. These majestic predators of the sea are one of the rarest types of fish that players can catch. If you're a fellow Animal Crossing enthusiast, keep reading to learn more about these fascinating creatures and how to catch them.

Firstly, it's important to know that there are five different types of sharks in New Leaf: the Hammerhead, Great White, Whale, Saw, and Ocean Sunfish. Of these, the Ocean Sunfish is technically not a shark, but still counts as one for the purposes of fishing. Statistics show that only around 1% of all fish caught in the game are sharks, making them a highly coveted catch among players.

If you're lucky enough to come across a shark while fishing, you'll need to use some specific techniques to catch it. Sharks are much larger than regular fish, so you'll need to use a bait called a Fish Bait to attract them. Use the Fish Bait near the shore or on a riverbank and wait for the shark to come close enough to your line. Once it does, make sure you reel it in quickly, or it will swim away.

Now that you've learned how to catch sharks, let's talk about why you should bother doing so. Apart from the fact that they are rare and exciting to catch, sharks also fetch a high price in the game. Selling a shark can earn you anywhere from 8,000 up to 15,000 Bells, the in-game currency used to purchase items and customization options. Catching sharks is an excellent way to earn some extra Bells to fund your town-building projects.

In addition to their monetary value, sharks are also fascinating creatures to learn about in the game. By catching different types of sharks, you'll be able to expand your encyclopedia of fish and sea creatures. Each shark has a unique appearance and backstory behind it, making them fun to collect and display in your personal aquariums.

It's worth noting that the time of day and location where you fish can affect the chances of encountering a shark. Sharks are most commonly found in the ocean around your town during the summer months, so be sure to fish in these areas during that season. You can also increase your odds by fishing during the evening or night when these creatures tend to be more active.

In conclusion, while sharks may seem intimidating in real life, they are an exciting addition to Animal Crossing: New Leaf. With their rarity, high value, and unique characteristics, catching sharks is a fun and rewarding pastime for players. Use the tips and techniques in this article to increase your chances of snagging one of these elusive predators and adding them to your collection. Happy fishing!

Sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf

If you're a fan of Animal Crossing: New Leaf, you may have heard rumors about the elusive shark species that can be caught in the game. Sharks are some of the rarest and most valuable types of fish in the game, often requiring specialized equipment and patience to capture. In this article, we'll take a closer look at sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, exploring how to catch them and what makes these unique creatures so captivating.

Introduction to Sharks

First things first - what exactly are sharks? As many of us know, sharks are a type of fish that are found in oceans around the world. There are over 500 different species of sharks, ranging in size from massive whale sharks to tiny pygmy sharks. Sharks are known for their sharp teeth, sleek bodies, and powerful predatory abilities, making them both feared and admired by humans.

Fishing for Sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf

So how do you go about catching sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf? The first step is to make sure you have the right equipment. While many fish can be caught with a simple fishing rod, sharks require a bit more specialization. To catch a shark, you'll need to use a fishing rod with a shark fin attachment. This attachment can be purchased from the Nookling stores once you've upgraded to the T.I.Y. store.

Once you have the shark fin attachment, head to the ocean during the hours of 4 PM to 9 AM in the months of June through September. These are the prime months for shark fishing, although it's important to note that not all sharks can be caught during this time period. Some species, like the great white shark, can only be caught in the evening hours from 4 PM until midnight.

The Types of Sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Speaking of different shark species, what types of sharks can you expect to find in Animal Crossing: New Leaf? There are four different shark species that can be caught in the game, each with their own unique behaviors and habits. Let's take a closer look at each one:

Hammerhead Shark

The hammerhead shark is perhaps the most well-known of the Animal Crossing sharks. These creatures are easily recognizable thanks to their distinctive hammer-shaped heads. Hammerhead sharks can be caught during the months of June through September in both the morning and evening hours.


If you're looking for a classic shark experience, keep an eye out for the regular shark. These creatures can be caught from June through September in the morning and evening hours. They're typically found swimming in the deeper waters of the ocean.

Great White Shark

The great white shark is much more elusive than its hammerhead and shark counterparts. These predators can only be caught during the evening hours from 4 PM until midnight in the months of June through September. Great white sharks are also relatively rare, meaning you'll need some patience to catch one.

Saw Shark

The final shark species in Animal Crossing: New Leaf is the saw shark. These creatures can be caught from June through September during the morning and evening hours. As their name suggests, saw sharks have long, saw-like snouts that they use to catch prey.

Capturing and Selling Sharks

Once you've successfully caught a shark, you might be wondering what to do with it. The good news is that sharks are some of the most valuable fish in the game, meaning you can sell them for a hefty profit. Depending on the species and size of the shark, you can earn anywhere from 8,000 to 15,000 Bells.

Of course, you may also choose to donate your shark to the museum. Blathers will be thrilled to add such rare creatures to his collection.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, sharks are a unique and exciting addition to Animal Crossing: New Leaf. While they may be challenging to catch, the rewards are well worth it for those dedicated fishers out there. Whether you're looking to make some Bells or simply want to add some new trophy catches to your home, sharks are a great choice.

Comparing Sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf


Animal Crossing: New Leaf is a popular life simulation video game that has won the hearts of many gamers. One of the animals that stand out in this game is the shark. There are different types of sharks available in the game, and each comes with its unique features. In this article, we will compare the various types of sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

The Great White Shark

The Great White Shark is one of the most popular sharks in the game. It is the largest shark species in the game, measuring up to 20 feet in length. It is a rare fish and can only be found during the summer months, between June and September. Catching this shark can earn the player up to 15,000 bells.


  • Largest shark in the game
  • High sell value


  • Rare to find
  • Only available during summer months

Despite its rarity, the Great White Shark is a popular fish among players. The high sell value makes it an excellent catch for those looking to make some quick bells.

The Whale Shark

The Whale Shark is another shark species available in the game. It is one of the largest fish species available, measuring up to 40 feet in length. It can be caught during the summer months, between June and September. Catching this shark can earn the player up to 13,000 bells.


  • Large size
  • High sell value


  • Rare to find
  • Only available during summer months
  • Swims slowly

The Whale Shark is a slow swimmer, which can make it difficult for some players to catch. However, its large size and high sell value make it a rewarding catch.

The Hammerhead Shark

The Hammerhead Shark is a medium-sized shark that can be caught year-round. It can be found swimming around the sea in the back half of the town. Catching this shark can earn the player up to 8,000 bells.


  • Available year-round
  • Medium-sized


  • Low sell value compared to other sharks
  • Smaller than other shark species

The Hammerhead Shark is an accessible fish to catch as it is available year-round. While it does not fetch a high price compared to other shark species, it is still a valuable addition to the player's collection.

The Tiger Shark

The Tiger Shark is another medium-sized shark that can be caught year-round. It is an aggressive predator and will attack the player's fishing rod when caught. Catching this shark can earn the player up to 5,000 bells.


  • Available year-round


  • Low sell value compared to other sharks
  • Smaller than other shark species
  • Aggressive when caught

The Tiger Shark may not be as valuable as other shark species, but its aggressiveness makes it an exciting fish to catch. Its availability year-round adds to its appeal.

Comparing the Sharks

To see how the different sharks compare, we have created a table below.
Shark Size Availability Sell Value
Great White Shark 20 feet June-September 15,000 bells
Whale Shark 40 feet June-September 13,000 bells
Hammerhead Shark 6.5 feet Year-round 8,000 bells
Tiger Shark 16 feet Year-round 5,000 bells


In conclusion, the different types of sharks available in Animal Crossing: New Leaf offer unique fishing experiences for players. While some sharks may be more challenging to catch than others, they all have their charm. The Great White Shark and Whale Shark may have higher sell values, but the Hammerhead Shark and Tiger Shark are still valuable additions to the player's collection. Overall, the different sharks add to the richness of the game and provide players with exciting fishing opportunities.

Shark Hunting in Animal Crossing: New Leaf


Animal Crossing: New Leaf is a game that simulates life on an island. It has a wide variety of off-shore creatures to discover and capture. One such creature is the Shark. Sharks have become one of the most coveted creatures in the game because of their high selling price. In this article, we will be talking about tips on how to catch sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

Know the Seasons and Times

Sharks are seasonal creatures, which means they are only available during certain times of the year. The best time to catch sharks is from June to September between the hours of 4 pm to 9 am. During these months and times, it is more likely that you will find sharks swimming around the ocean.

How to Catch a Shark

To catch a shark, you need to use a fishing rod equipped with bait. Instead of casting your hook and waiting for a fish to bite, you need to look for the fin of a shark. Once you spot a shark's fin, cast your line in its direction so it can be lured towards your bait. When it takes the bait, you need to reel it in quickly before it gets away.

What Sharks are Available

There are three types of sharks that players can catch in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. These are the Hammerhead Shark, the Great White Shark, and the Whale Shark. Each of these sharks sells at different rates, with the Hammerhead being the cheapest and the Whale Shark being the most expensive.

The Hammerhead Shark

The Hammerhead Shark is the smallest and most common shark type in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. It can be found all day, every day from June to September in the ocean. The Hammerhead Shark can be sold for 8,000 Bells.

The Great White Shark

The Great White Shark is a larger and rarer type of shark that players can catch. It can only be found from June to September between the hours of 4 pm to 9 am in the ocean. The Great White Shark can be sold for 15,000 Bells.

The Whale Shark

The Whale Shark is the largest and most valuable shark in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. It can only be found from June to September between the hours of 9 am to 4 pm in the ocean. The Whale Shark can be sold for 13,000 Bells.

Tips on Catching Sharks

Catching sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf can be challenging, but there are ways to increase your chances of success. Here are some tips to help you out:

1. Look for shadows

Sharks are large creatures that create a distinct shadow in the water. Use this shadow to your advantage to determine where the shark is swimming.

2. Listen carefully

Sharks make a unique sound when they are close to your bait. Listen for this sound to know when to reel it in.

3. Swim away if necessary

If the shark is too fast for you to catch, try swimming away while holding the fishing rod. This will force the shark to follow you, giving you more time to reel it in.

4. Have a clear shot

Make sure that there are no other fish near your bait when you are trying to lure in a shark. This will increase your chances of success.


In conclusion, catching sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf requires patience, persistence, and a little bit of luck. Knowing when and where to look for them, as well as using the right fishing gear and techniques, will increase your chances of catching these coveted creatures. Follow these tips to start catching sharks and adding them to your collection.

Sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Animal Crossing: New Leaf is a fun and relaxing game where players can build their own island paradise for themselves. One of the best features of this game is its diverse collection of aquatic creatures, including several types of sharks. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, from what they look like to how to catch them.

Firstly, it's important to note that there are four different types of sharks that you can encounter in the game: the hammerhead shark, the great white shark, the whale shark, and the saw shark. Each of these sharks has a distinctive appearance, making them easy to identify when you see them swimming in the water around your island.

The hammerhead shark, for instance, has a unique T-shaped head that sets it apart from other sharks. Meanwhile, the great white shark is easily recognizable by its large size and fearsome teeth. The whale shark, as the name suggests, resembles a miniature whale with its massive size and distinctive polka-dotted pattern. Finally, the saw shark has a long, narrow snout with serrated edges that give it a unique appearance among other fish in the game.

To catch these sharks, you'll need to have the right equipment. This includes a fishing rod that you can purchase in the game's store, as well as bait that you can use to lure the sharks closer to you. When fishing for sharks, it's important to approach them slowly and carefully, as they can be quite skittish and may swim away if they detect any sudden movements.

Once you've managed to catch a shark, you can either sell it for a tidy profit or donate it to the local museum. Sharks can be worth quite a bit of money, especially the rarer types like the great white and whale sharks, making them a worthwhile catch for players looking to earn some extra bells.

Of course, it's important to remember that sharks are wild animals and should be treated with respect. While catching them in the game is perfectly fine, it's important to remember that in real life, these creatures are endangered and need protection to survive. You can educate yourself further about real-life shark conservation efforts and contribute to shark conservation organizations if you're interested in helping these majestic animals.

In conclusion, the sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf are a fun and exciting addition to the game's already impressive lineup of underwater creatures. With their distinctive appearance and high value, they make for a thrilling fishing challenge that players of all ages can enjoy. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie to the game, catching a shark is sure to bring a smile to your face and impress your friends. So grab your fishing rod and get ready to make some waves!

Closing Message:

We hope you enjoyed learning about sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf and found this article informative. Remember, while these sharks may be harmless in the game, real-life sharks are an essential part of our planet's ecosystem and should be respected and protected. If you want to learn more about shark conservation efforts or contribute to a shark-related charity, we encourage you to do so and make a difference in the world. Thank you for reading, and happy fishing!

People Also Ask About Sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf

What kind of shark can you catch in Animal Crossing: New Leaf?

There are two types of sharks that can be caught in Animal Crossing: New Leaf: the Great White Shark and the Hammerhead Shark.

When can you catch sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf?

You can catch sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf from June to September in the Northern Hemisphere, and from December to March in the Southern Hemisphere.

Where can you catch sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf?

Sharks can be caught in the ocean, near the shoreline. They are more likely to appear during the day than at night.

Are sharks worth a lot of bells in Animal Crossing: New Leaf?

Yes, sharks can be sold for a lot of bells in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. The Great White Shark can be sold for 15,000 bells and the Hammerhead Shark can be sold for 8,000 bells.

What do you do with sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf?

You can sell sharks to Tom Nook's store, the Re-Tail Recycling Shop, or trade them with other players. Sharks can also be displayed in your house as a decoration.

Do sharks attack in Animal Crossing: New Leaf?

No, sharks do not attack in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. They can only be caught with a fishing rod.

Can you swim with sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf?

No, you cannot swim with sharks in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Swimming is not a feature in the game.