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Discover the Best Grass Color Options in Animal Crossing New Horizons – Enhance Your Island Paradise and Gameplay.

Animal Crossing New Horizons is a game that has captured the hearts of many players worldwide. With its relaxing gameplay and cute animal characters, it's no surprise that it has become one of Nintendo's most successful franchises. One of the most talked-about aspects of the game is the grass color, and in this article, we will delve into what makes it so interesting and how you can customize your own grass.

Have you ever wondered why the grass in Animal Crossing New Horizons changes colors? Well, it's because of the seasons. The game follows real-world seasons, so if it's winter in real life, it will be winter in the game. The grass color changes accordingly, from green in spring and summer to brown in autumn and white in winter.

But did you know that you can also customize your grass color? That's right; there are several ways to change the grass color on your island. The first step is to unlock the Island Designer tool by achieving a three-star rating on your island. Once unlocked, you can choose a custom design that will replace the grass texture on your island.

If you're not into designing your own patterns, there are plenty of pre-made designs available online. You can download them and use them on your island. This is perfect for those who want a quick and easy way to change their grass color.

Another way to customize your grass is by using paths. These are pre-designed paths that can be placed on your island to create pathways and other designs. Some of these paths have unique grass textures that can be used to change the overall look of your island.

Did you know that the grass color can affect your gameplay? Yes, that's right. Certain bugs and fish are only available during specific seasons, so if you want to catch them all, you will need to adjust your gameplay accordingly. For example, the Golden Trout is only available in the months of March, April, May, September, October, and November.

Speaking of bugs and fish, have you ever noticed that some of them blend in with the grass color? This can make them difficult to spot, especially if you're trying to catch them. Changing your grass color can help you see these critters more easily, making it easier to catch them.

Are you tired of the same old grass color on your island? Well, why not try something new? You'd be surprised at how much changing the grass color can affect the overall look and feel of your island. It can give it a fresh new look that will make you fall in love with the game all over again.

Finally, did you know that the grass color can affect your rating? That's right; if your island is covered in weeds and has a lot of worn-down grass, your rating will suffer. By changing the grass color and using paths, you can create a beautiful island that will impress your visitors and earn you those coveted five stars.

In conclusion, the grass color in Animal Crossing New Horizons is an essential aspect of the game. It changes with the seasons, affects gameplay, and even impacts your island's rating. By customizing your own grass color, you can create a unique island that reflects your personality and style. So why not give it a try? Your island (and your visitors) will thank you for it.


Animal Crossing is a popular video game series that lets players explore a virtual world inhabited by lovable animal characters. The latest installment of the franchise, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, was released in March 2020 and has taken the gaming world by storm. Players were excited to jump into their own deserted island paradise and start building their community. One of the most exciting new features of this game is the ability to customize your island's appearance, including the color of the grass.

The Grass Color Options

As players progress through Animal Crossing: New Horizons, they may notice that the color of their island's grass changes. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as seasonal changes or weather patterns. However, players can also change the grass color themselves by unlocking a special tool. Once you obtain this tool, you can use it to change the grass color to one of nine different options:

1. Green

2. Yellow-Green

3. Yellow

4. Orange

5. Red

6. Pink

7. Purple

8. Blue-Green

9. Blue

How to Change the Grass Color

To change the grass color in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you first need to unlock the Island Designer app from Tom Nook. Once you have this app, you can purchase the Terraforming option for 6,000 Nook Miles. This option will unlock several tools, including a tool called Island Designer, which lets you customize your island's appearance.

To use the Island Designer tool, you need to stand on a patch of grass and press the button that corresponds with the tool you want to use. The grass color tool is represented by a paintbrush icon. Once you select this tool, you can cycle through the different grass color options until you find the one you like best.

Factors That Affect Grass Color

As previously mentioned, the color of your island's grass can change due to weather patterns and seasonal changes. For example, in the winter months, your grass may become covered in snow, which changes its appearance. Additionally, if it rains frequently on your island, your grass may become darker and greener.

Another factor that can affect grass color in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the presence of flowers and trees. If you plant more flowers on your island, your grass may become more vibrant and colorful. Similarly, if you plant more trees, your grass may become darker and richer in color.

What Grass Color Says About Your Island

The grass color you choose for your island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons can say a lot about your personal style and the vibe you want to create for your community. For example, if you choose a bright, bold color like pink or purple, it may indicate that you have a fun and playful personality. Alternatively, if you choose a more subdued color like green or blue-green, it may indicate that you prefer a more natural and calming atmosphere.

It's important to note that there are no right or wrong grass colors to choose from. The best color for your island is simply the one that appeals to you the most.


In conclusion, being able to customize the grass color on your island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is just one of the many exciting features that this game has to offer. Whether you want to create a bright and vibrant paradise or a more serene and relaxing atmosphere, there's a grass color option that's perfect for you. With so many customization options available, players can truly make their island their own and create a unique space that reflects their personal style.

Compare the Different Grass Colors in Animal Crossing New Horizons


Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the latest installment in the beloved Animal Crossing game series developed by Nintendo. One of the most notable features of the game is the variety of grass colors available for players to choose from. In this article, we will be comparing and contrasting the different types of grass available in the game, exploring the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

The Different Types of Grass

Animal Crossing New Horizons offers players a choice of four different grass types – your native fruit grass, normal grass, dirt path, and custom paths created using the Island Designer app. Each of these grass types has its own unique features.Your native fruit grass is the first grass type you encounter when starting the game. The grass color is based on the type of fruit tree that is native to your island. For instance, if your native fruit is apples, your grass will have a green hue with patches of red to represent fallen apples.Normal grass is the most common grass type in Animal Crossing New Horizons. It has a simple, solid green color and can be found all over the island.Dirt path is a special type of grass that gives your island a more rustic feel. It provides a brownish color and is perfect for creating dirt paths or trails through your island.Lastly, custom paths are created using the Island Designer app. You have the ability to create your own custom designs for paths and overlay them on top of the existing grass on your island.

Comparison Table

Let us compare the different grass types available on Animal Crossing New Horizons in terms of their appearance, functionality, and overall appeal to players:
Grass Type Appearance Functionality Overall Appeal
Your Native Fruit Grass Varies based on native fruit; green hue with fallen fruit images Provides a unique touch to your island; adds character and charm Great for players who want to add more personality to their island
Normal Grass Simple, solid green color Provides a clean and organized look to your island; great for starters Good choice for players who prefer simplicity and functionality over aesthetics
Dirt Path Provides a brownish color; perfect for creating paths or trails through your island Great choice for players who want to create a rustic or natural vibe on their island May not be everyone's cup of tea, but has a unique charm if utilized effectively
Custom Paths Player created designs that can be laid over existing grass Provides the most versatility and customization options on your island An excellent choice for players who want to unleash their creativity and fully customize their island


In my opinion, custom paths are the best grass type available in Animal Crossing New Horizons. The ability to create your own designs and use them on your island provides unlimited opportunities to personalize your game experience. Players can create anything from brick roads to natural stone pathways, giving their island a unique feel that is entirely their own. Furthermore, custom paths can be easily adjusted and changed as the game progresses, making it a versatile choice for different stages of gameplay.However, for players who prefer to keep things simple, normal grass might be the best option. It provides a clean, organized look and requires no extra effort or creativity on the part of the player. On the other hand, players looking to add more character to their island might want to consider your native fruit grass or dirt path options, which offer a more personalized touch.


Grass types play a significant role in creating your island's atmosphere and aesthetics. Every player has their own preferences when it comes to grass color and type, so it's important to explore all the options available in Animal Crossing New Horizons to find what works best for you. Whether you're looking to keep things simple or create something complex and unique, the variety of grass types available in the game offers something for everyone.

How to Change the Grass Color in Animal Crossing New Horizons

Animal Crossing New Horizons offers players endless customization options for their islands. One of the lesser-known features is the ability to change the grass color. With a bit of effort and planning, you can have the grass color that complements your island’s theme or aesthetic. Here are some tips and tricks on how to change the grass color in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

Understanding Grass Types and Colors

Before you start planning your grass takeover, you should know that there are different types of grass in Animal Crossing New Horizons. There are six different shades of green—the default grass color. Then there’s yellow, white, brown, and pink. You can only unlock these colors once you’ve achieved specific milestones in the game.

Unlocking Grass Colors

To unlock yellow grass, you need to reach a 5-star island rating. For white grass, you need to reach a 5-star rating for two weeks straight. Meanwhile, brown grass will unlock if you abuse time travel—by setting your system’s date forward. Finally, you can unlock pink grass by taking part in the May Day Event which usually occurs in the first week of May.

Preparing Your Island

Changing the grass color requires ample planning. Make sure to prepare your island beforehand. Clean up any weeds, pick up any shells, and remove any flowers beforehand—it will make it easier to cover the entire island with the grass pattern. Also, purchase large enough amounts of Custom Design Slots because you’ll need them to create the grass patterns.

Creative Designs

Creating your grass design requires some creativity. Thankfully, players can share designs online via social media or upload them to Animal Crossing fan sites. There are tons of available designs online. Sticking with a theme can keep your island cohesive while allowing you to experiment with unique and intricate designs.

Applying the Grass Pattern

Once you've got your design made, it’s time to apply it to your island. Most players use the Island Designer app to make pathways or add other customized features. In this case, switching to the Grass option and upping the opacity will cover the entire island with your chosen grass design. It also helps to install bridges or inclines before starting, to avoid getting stuck on parts of the map that aren’t tiled.

Patching up Holes

When you’re covering large sections of the island with your design, take care to check for holes in the ground. You don’t want any unsightly gaps that prevent grass from popping up. Use the Island Designer app’s “Fix” feature to fill any cracks or holes. Doing so ensures there are no apparent absences in your ground cover.

Maintaining Your Grass Color

Once you have your grass color set, keeping it that way is one thing to consider. Mowing the grass is impossible, and seasonal changes can cause an entirely different shade of green. Therefore, to preserve your custom design, don’t let weeds grow out of control and ensure you don’t plant trees on top of your grass design. Trees reduce the amount of light that gets through to the ground, ultimately slowing down the growth of your custom design.


Changing your grass color is a fun way to liven up your Animal Crossing New Horizons island. While it requires some preparation and creativity, seeing the results pays off in spades. Remember to keep your grass design consistent with your overall island theme, and maintain your custom coloring to make sure your effort doesn't go to waste.

Unveiling the Mystery Behind Animal Crossing New Horizons Grass Color

Welcome to the world of Animal Crossing New Horizons, where you explore a deserted island and create your own personal paradise. From fishing to crafting, the game is truly fascinating in every sense. One aspect of the game that often sparks curiosity among players is the color of grass. Why is it different sometimes? What causes the change? If you’re one of those curious beings, let us uncover the mystery behind it.

Firstly, let's start with the basics. The color of grass in Animal Crossing New Horizons changes according to seasons. During spring, the grass is lighter green, while in summer, it's bright green. As autumn arrives, the grass changes its color to yellowish-brown, and in winter, it turns white due to frost.

However, some players have reported drastic changes in their grass color that can’t be explained by seasonal changes alone. One reason for this change could be due to organic objects covering the grass. For example, if you place furniture or other items on the grass, it could cause the grass underneath to change its color. It's essential to remove any objects on the grass regularly to prevent this from happening.

Another reason that potentially causes the grass color to change is ground wear. When you run around the island too frequently, you leave behind noticeable tracks on the ground. Over time, these tracks turn into dirt patches, causing the area to lose its grass color. To avoid significant ground wear, try not to run around too much. Instead, use designated paths and roads to reach your desired location.

Furthermore, some players have reported changes in grass color due to hybridization. In Animal Crossing New Horizons, flowers play a critical role in the island's overall appearance, making it a priority to breed them with utmost care. However, some players have suggested that the colors of flowers could transfer to the grass underneath, causing it to change color as well.

To avoid any unwanted changes in grass color, try to pay attention to every detail. Experiment with various items and textures, but always remember to remove them from the grass as soon as possible. Additionally, avoid running around too much and use designated paths to prevent ground wear.

Overall, the grass color in Animal Crossing New Horizons is fascinating and adds a realistic touch to the game. With proper care, you can maintain the grass's original color and make your paradise island more enjoyable for yourself and your visitors.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. We hope it has helped in solving your queries about the mysterious grass color in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Happy gaming!

People Also Ask About Animal Crossing New Horizons Grass Color

What is the grass color in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

The grass color in Animal Crossing New Horizons varies depending on the season. During spring, the grass has a vibrant green color, while in summer, it becomes a bit more yellowish. In fall, the grass turns brown, and during winter, it’s covered in snow.

Can you change the grass color in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

No, you cannot directly change the grass color in Animal Crossing New Horizons. However, you can somewhat influence it by watering your flowers. If you water them daily, they’ll multiply and cover more space, eventually changing the color of the grass beneath them.

Does grass deterioration happen in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

No, unlike in previous Animal Crossing games, the grass in New Horizons doesn’t deteriorate as you walk on it. You can run, sprint or walk on any type of terrain as much as you want, and it won’t leave any negative effects on the grass.

Do different islands in Animal Crossing New Horizons have different grass color?

No, all islands in Animal Crossing New Horizons have the same grass color pattern, which changes according to the season. However, some areas on your island might have a slightly different hue due to shadows, sunlight, or flower arrangements.

How does a custom design affect the grass color in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

A custom design does not affect the grass color in Animal Crossing New Horizons. You can place various types of custom designs on your island, but they won’t change the color of the grass beneath them.

  • The grass color in Animal Crossing New Horizons changes with the season.
  • You can influence the grass color by watering your flowers.
  • The grass in New Horizons doesn’t deteriorate as you walk on it.
  • All islands in Animal Crossing New Horizons have the same grass color pattern.
  • Custom designs do not affect the grass color in Animal Crossing New Horizons.