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Discover Second Avenue Animal Hospital Columbus GA - Exceptional Pet Care for Your Furry Friends

Are you searching for a compassionate animal hospital that offers top-notch medical care and exceptional customer service in Columbus, GA? Look no further than Second Avenue Animal Hospital.

With over 50 years of experience, Second Avenue Animal Hospital has been providing comprehensive veterinary services to pets in the community. We understand how important your furry friends are to you, and we treat them as if they were our own.

Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with advanced diagnostic and treatment tools, allowing us to provide the best possible care for your pet. From routine wellness exams to complex surgeries, we are dedicated to ensuring your pet's health and well-being.

But what sets us apart from other animal hospitals in Columbus, GA?

First and foremost, our highly skilled and compassionate veterinarians and staff. Our team members are not only experts in their field but also passionate about animals and dedicated to providing personalized care to each and every one of our patients.

In addition, we strive to make your visit to our hospital as stress-free as possible for both you and your furry friend. From the moment you step into our welcoming reception area to the time you leave, our goal is to ensure that you feel comfortable and at ease.

At Second Avenue Animal Hospital, we understand that prevention is key when it comes to keeping your pet healthy. That's why we offer a wide range of preventative services, including vaccinations, parasite control, and nutritional counseling.

But we also know that unexpected illnesses or injuries can happen, which is why we offer emergency care during regular business hours. Our team is trained to handle even the most critical cases and will do everything in our power to ensure your pet receives the care they need.

Our commitment to providing exceptional veterinary care extends beyond our hospital walls. We believe in educating pet owners about their pet's health and providing resources to help them make informed decisions. That's why we offer online resources such as articles, videos, and a pet health library that covers a wide range of topics.

If you're looking for an animal hospital in Columbus, GA that offers top-quality medical care, exceptional customer service, and a compassionate approach, look no further than Second Avenue Animal Hospital. We invite you to experience the difference for yourself and schedule an appointment today.

Don't wait until it's too late – give your furry friend the gift of good health with the help of Second Avenue Animal Hospital.

Second Avenue Animal Hospital is a top-notch veterinary hospital located in Columbus Ga. Their mission is to provide exceptional veterinary care to their patients and ensure client satisfaction through knowledgeable and friendly service. With a team of qualified veterinarians and a state-of-the-art facility, Second Avenue Animal Hospital has become a trusted name in the veterinary industry.

Services Offered

The animal hospital offers a wide range of veterinary services, including routine check-ups, preventative care, surgery, and emergency services. They use advanced diagnostic equipment such as x-rays, blood tests, and ultrasound to identify and treat various ailments. They also offer nutrition counseling for pets and advise pet owners on the best diets for their furry companions.

Routine Check-Ups

Second Avenue Animal Hospital recommends that pets undergo a routine check-up at least once a year. During these visits, the vet can assess the pet's overall health and identify any underlying health conditions. They will also administer necessary vaccines and medication to ensure the pet remains healthy.

Preventative Care

They offer preventative care services, such as parasite control, heartworm prevention, flea and tick treatment, and dental care. They believe that proactive measures are essential in maintaining a pet's health and keeping them happy.


The veterinary hospital has a fully-equipped surgical suite and experienced staff to provide surgical procedures to pets who need them. They perform routine surgeries such as spay and neuter, as well as more complicated procedures.

Emergency Services

If your pet requires emergency medical attention, Second Avenue Animal Hospital provides 24/7 emergency services. They have trained staff and equipment to stabilize pets in critical condition before transporting them to specialty hospitals for intensive care.


The veterinary team at Second Avenue Animal Hospital is made up of experienced and compassionate professionals. They have the necessary qualifications and experience to provide the best care for pets.


The veterinarians at Second Avenue Animal Hospital are qualified professionals who have extensive knowledge in the field. They are licensed and certified to provide veterinary medical services, and they attend regular training seminars to update their knowledge on new treatments and technologies.

Veterinary Technicians

The veterinary technicians at Second Avenue Animal Hospital assist the veterinarians in providing medical services to pets. They are trained to handle various procedures such as administering medications, handling anesthesia, preparing pets for surgery, and monitoring vital signs during procedures. They also provide emotional support to pets and their owners during medical procedures.


The animal hospital has a modern and fully-equipped facility designed to provide the best care for pets. Their surgical suite contains the latest equipment, including anesthesia machines, monitoring devices, and advanced surgical tools. They have a diagnostic laboratory equipped with the latest technology to diagnose various health conditions. The animal hospital also has comfortable patient wards, treatment areas, and a pharmacy to provide medication and other supplies.

Client Reviews

According to client reviews, Second Avenue Animal Hospital is highly rated for its exceptional services, friendly staff, and positive outcomes. Clients appreciate the hospital's cleanliness, professionalism, and attention to detail. They praise the staff for their compassion and knowledge and recommend the vet hospital to other pet owners.


Second Avenue Animal Hospital is a top-notch veterinary hospital dedicated to providing exceptional veterinary services. They have a team of qualified professionals and a state-of-the-art facility to ensure their patients receive quality care. They offer numerous veterinary services, including routine check-ups, preventative care, surgery, and emergency services. With positive client reviews, Second Avenue Animal Hospital has become a trusted name in the veterinary industry.

A Comprehensive Comparison of Second Avenue Animal Hospital in Columbus, GA

As a pet owner, finding a veterinary clinic that provides exceptional care for your furry friend is essential. Second Avenue Animal Hospital is one of the most trusted veterinary clinics in Columbus, GA. With a team of experienced and qualified veterinarians, state-of-the-art technology, and a wide range of services, Second Avenue Animal Hospital has become a go-to choice for pet owners across the city. In this article, we will compare Second Avenue Animal Hospital to other veterinary clinics in the area.


Second Avenue Animal Hospital is conveniently located on Second Avenue between 13th and 14th Street. The clinic is situated at the heart of Columbus, making it accessible to people from all parts of the city. In comparison, many veterinary clinics in Columbus are not located in the downtown area, making it difficult for pet owners who don't live close to access them.


One of the standout features of Second Avenue Animal Hospital is the accessibility it provides to pet owners. The clinic has ample parking space, which makes it easy to find a spot even on busy days. Additionally, the clinic provides after-hours emergency care that pet owners can access by calling the hospital's main telephone number. This means pet owners can reach out to the hospital quickly in case of an emergency, which is hard to come by in many veterinary clinics in the area.

Services Offered

At Second Avenue Animal Hospital, your pet can receive a variety of services ranging from preventive care to complex surgical procedures. Some of the services offered at the clinic include:

Services Description
Routine wellness exams Comprehensive physical checkups to prevent or identify health issues before they progress.
Vaccinations Preventive care for life-threatening diseases such as rabies, parvovirus, and distemper.
Dental care Oral hygiene, dental surgery, and periodontal disease treatment.
Surgery Soft tissue and orthopedic surgery, including spaying, neutering, and tumor removals.
Emergency care 24/7 emergency services with on-site diagnostics and intensive care facilities.

Customer Service

Aside from providing medical care to pets, customer service is another essential aspect of veterinary clinics. At Second Avenue Animal Hospital, the staff members prioritize customer service and strive to make every pet owners' visit comfortable. The clinic has a friendly and welcoming environment that will put you and your pet at ease. Also, the doctors take the time to educate pet owners on health maintenance and prevention measures.

Cost Comparison

Caring for a pet is not cheap, and pet owners must weigh the costs of different veterinary clinics before selecting one. There are several factors to consider before comparing veterinary clinic prices, including the size and age of your pet and any pre-existing conditions. Here's a comparison of Second Avenue Animal Hospital prices with other clinics in the area:

Services Second Avenue Animal Hospital Other Columbus, GA clinics
Office Visit $59 $65+
Dental Cleaning $470-$570 $500-$600
Surgical Procedures $500-$2000+ $700-$2500+


Choosing a veterinary clinic is a crucial decision for every pet owner. Second Avenue Animal Hospital in Columbus, GA, provides excellent customer service and state-of-the-art medical care at reasonable prices. If you're looking for a reputable and affordable veterinary clinic, Second Avenue should be at the top of your list.

Tips and Tutorial: Second Avenue Animal Hospital Columbus Ga

If you're a pet owner in Columbus, Georgia, or nearby areas and are looking for veterinary care for your furry friends, the Second Avenue Animal Hospital Columbus Ga could be an excellent option. It's a full-service animal hospital that offers top-notch medical and surgical services, as well as boarding and grooming facilities. In this article, we will discuss some tips and tutorials that could help you make the most out of your experience at Second Avenue Animal Hospital.

Tip 1: Make an Appointment

Most pet owners prefer to take their pets to the vet on a walk-in basis. However, it's best to make an appointment to avoid long wait times in the lobby. At Second Avenue Animal Hospital, appointments are available six days a week, from Monday to Saturday. You can schedule an appointment by calling their office or using their online booking system.

Tip 2: Bring Your Pet's Medical Records

If you've taken your pet to a different veterinary clinic before, make sure to bring their medical records with you when you visit Second Avenue Animal Hospital. The records will help the vet understand your pet's medical history and provide a more accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Tip 3: Ask Questions

Don't hesitate to ask questions regarding your pet's health, treatment options, and overall care. The veterinarians and staff at Second Avenue Animal Hospital are always happy to answer any queries you may have. They're dedicated to providing the best care possible for your furry friend.

Tip 4: Keep Your Pet On A Leash Or In A Carrier

When you arrive at the clinic with your pet, make sure to keep them on a leash or in a carrier. This will prevent other animals from provoking your pet, and it will also help keep them safe and secure.

Tutorial 1: Flea And Tick Prevention

Flea and tick prevention is crucial for your pet's health. Second Avenue Animal Hospital offers various flea and tick control options, including topical treatments, collars, and oral medications. Your vet can recommend the best option for your pet based on their breed, age, and lifestyle.

Step 1:

Schedule an appointment with Second Avenue Animal Hospital and inform them that you're interested in flea and tick prevention for your pet.

Step 2:

During your appointment, discuss your pet's medical history with the vet and any current flea and tick issues.

Step 3:

The vet will recommend the best flea and tick control option for your pet based on their age, breed, and lifestyle.

Step 4:

Purchase and administer the prescribed treatment as directed by the vet.

Tutorial 2: Dental Care

Just like humans, pets need regular dental care to maintain good oral health. Second Avenue Animal Hospital offers dental cleaning services for pets, and their vets can also provide tips on how to care for your pet's teeth at home.

Step 1:

Schedule a dental cleaning appointment with Second Avenue Animal Hospital.

Step 2:

During the appointment, the vet will examine your pet's teeth and gums, remove any tartar or plaque build-up, and polish their teeth.

Step 3:

Follow the vet's recommendations for home dental care, which may include brushing your pet's teeth regularly, providing dental chews, and using dental water additives.

Tutorial 3: Boarding

Second Avenue Animal Hospital offers boarding facilities for pets. If you're going on vacation or need to leave your pet overnight, boarding them at the animal hospital is a great option. Here's how to prepare for boarding.

Step 1:

Contact Second Avenue Animal Hospital to reserve a boarding spot for your pet.

Step 2:

Bring your pet's food, treats, toys, and bedding to make them feel comfortable.

Step 3:

Ensure that your pet is up-to-date with their vaccinations before boarding.

Step 4:

Provide any special instructions or medication to the staff at the animal hospital.In conclusion, Second Avenue Animal Hospital Columbus Ga is an excellent veterinary clinic that offers a wide range of services for pets. By following these tips and tutorials, you can make the most out of your visits to the animal hospital and ensure that your furry friends receive the best possible care.

Second Avenue Animal Hospital Columbus Ga: Your Pet's Home Away from Home

As pet owners, we know how important it is to take care of our furry friends. They're a part of our family and we want to give them the best possible care we can provide. Second Avenue Animal Hospital Columbus Ga has been serving pet owners in the Columbus area for years, providing exceptional care and services to pets and their owners.

The team at Second Avenue Animal Hospital Columbus Ga is dedicated to ensuring that your pet receives the best possible care. From routine check-ups to emergency procedures, they're always ready to provide the necessary care. They also offer a range of services, including vaccinations, spaying and neutering, dental care, and boarding facilities.

When it comes to selecting an animal hospital, it's essential to choose one that's reliable and trustworthy. At Second Avenue Animal Hospital Columbus Ga, you can rest assured that your pet is in safe hands. The staff is highly experienced, knowledgeable, and compassionate, and they treat each pet as if it were their own.

At Second Avenue Animal Hospital Columbus Ga, they understand that every pet is unique and requires individualized attention. That's why they develop customized treatment plans that cater to your pet's specific needs. They also keep you updated throughout your pet's care, giving you peace of mind knowing that your furry friend is receiving the best possible care.

One of the most significant advantages of choosing Second Avenue Animal Hospital Columbus Ga is their boarding facility. If you're planning to go on a trip and aren't able to take your pet with you, their boarding facilities provide a home away from home. Your pet will receive the same level of care and attention that they do at home, ensuring that they're happy and comfortable while you're away.

Another advantage of choosing Second Avenue Animal Hospital Columbus Ga is their availability. They're always open and ready to help, whether it's for a routine check-up or an emergency procedure. They understand that pet emergencies can occur at any time, which is why they provide emergency services 24/7.

At Second Avenue Animal Hospital Columbus Ga, they understand the importance of preventative care. That's why they offer routine check-ups and vaccinations to ensure that your pet stays healthy. They also offer dental exams and cleanings, which are essential in maintaining your pet's oral health.

The team at Second Avenue Animal Hospital Columbus Ga is highly experienced in caring for various pet breeds. Whether you have a dog or a cat, they've got you covered. They also have experience in caring for exotic pets, such as birds and reptiles.

Second Avenue Animal Hospital Columbus Ga is committed to ensuring that their services are affordable. They believe that every pet owner should have access to quality care. That's why they offer various payment options, including CareCredit, to help you manage the cost of your pet's care.

In conclusion, choosing Second Avenue Animal Hospital Columbus Ga as your pet's primary care provider ensures that they receive the best possible care. Their experienced and compassionate staff, coupled with their range of services, makes them a reliable and trustworthy option for pet owners in the Columbus area. Give them a call today to schedule an appointment or learn more about the services they offer.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on Second Avenue Animal Hospital Columbus Ga. We hope that it has provided you with useful insight into the services that they offer. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to us. We'd love to hear from you!

People Also Ask About Second Avenue Animal Hospital Columbus Ga

What services does Second Avenue Animal Hospital provide?

Second Avenue Animal Hospital provides a wide range of veterinary services for your pets, including:

  • Preventative care
  • Wellness exams
  • Vaccinations
  • Parasite prevention and treatment
  • Dental care
  • Surgical procedures
  • Radiology and ultrasound
  • Laboratory testing
  • Boarding and grooming services

What are the office hours for Second Avenue Animal Hospital?

The office hours for Second Avenue Animal Hospital are:

  1. Monday - Friday: 7:30am - 6:00pm
  2. Saturday: 7:30am - 12:00pm
  3. Sunday: Closed

What should I expect during my pet's first visit to Second Avenue Animal Hospital?

During your pet's first visit to Second Avenue Animal Hospital, our veterinarians will perform a thorough physical exam and discuss your pet's medical history with you. They may also recommend additional tests or procedures based on their findings. It is important to bring any previous medical records with you to this appointment.

Does Second Avenue Animal Hospital offer emergency services?

Yes, Second Avenue Animal Hospital offers emergency services during regular business hours. If you have an after-hours emergency, we recommend contacting an emergency veterinary hospital in your area.