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Catch the Elusive Catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Tips and Tricks for Successful Fishing

Are you looking for a new resident to add to your growing island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons? Look no further than the Catfish!

Not only is the Catfish a unique and interesting addition to your island, but it also brings with it a variety of benefits.

For starters, did you know that the Catfish can fetch a high price at Nook's Cranny? Selling one can bring in over 800 Bells!

But the benefits don't stop there. The Catfish is also a great way to diversify the fish population in your island's rivers and streams.

Plus, catching a Catfish can be a fun and exciting challenge. With its long, sleek body and impressive size, reeling in a Catfish is a true accomplishment.

Not sure how to catch a Catfish? Don't worry - we've got you covered.

First, make sure you're fishing in a river or stream on your island. Then, look for larger shadows in the water - these indicate a big fish, which could be a Catfish.

When you feel a bite on your line, quickly hit the A button to begin reeling it in. Be patient though - the Catfish is a tricky fish and may put up a fight before being caught.

Once you've successfully caught a Catfish, be sure to display it proudly on your island. Its unique appearance and impressive size make it a great conversation starter and photo opportunity for your island visitors.

Still not convinced that the Catfish is the perfect addition to your Animal Crossing: New Horizons island? Consider this - the Catfish is a symbol of good luck and prosperity in many cultures.

So why not add a little luck and prosperity to your island with the Catfish? Your visitors and fellow islanders are sure to be impressed.

Don't wait any longer - head to your nearest river or stream and start fishing for the elusive Catfish today!

The Catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game that has been loved by players for its relaxing and enjoyable gameplay. One of the most exciting parts of the game is its vast array of creatures that can be caught- one of which is the catfish. In this article, we'll explore what the catfish is, where to find it, and how to catch it.

What is a Catfish?

A catfish is a fish commonly found in freshwater rivers and streams. Known for their flat heads and wide mouths, they are often seen scavenging along the bottom of bodies of water. In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the catfish can be found swimming in rivers from May to October.

Where to Find Catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

The catfish can only be found in rivers during specific months of the year. It appears during the months of May through October in the northern hemisphere, and November through April in the southern hemisphere. Players should look for it specifically in the river areas, on the bottom level of the water.

How to Catch a Catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

To catch a catfish, players need to have a fishing rod. The player can equip it by opening their inventory and selecting the fishing rod. Then, they must find a catfish in the river. Once they see it, the player should cast their line close to it and wait for the bobber to move. When the bobber goes under the water, click the button to reel in the fish, and the player will have caught a catfish!

Tips for Catching a Catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

If players are looking to catch a catfish, there are certain things they can do to increase their chances of success. One tip is to look for shadows in the river's lowest level. When players spot one, they can cast their line near it and wait patiently. They should also use fish bait, which can be crafted with the help of manila clams. Bait will cause more fish to appear in the player's vicinity and potentially a catfish as well.

What to do with Catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

After catching a catfish, the player can donate it to the museum to complete the Fish section. Blather’s museum has an exhibition room dedicated to fish, where players can see all the different kinds of fish they’ve caught. Alternatively, players can sell the catfish to Timmy and Tommy at Nook’s Cranny for 800 bells.

In Conclusion

The catfish is just one of the many creatures that players can catch in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Knowing when and where to find them, how to catch them, and what to do with them can enhance the player's experience with the game. With these tips, players can land that catfish and add it to their collection.

A Comparison of Catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons


Catfish are a unique fish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons that can be found in various different locations in the game. If you're wondering what sets these fish apart from others in the game, then you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll be comparing the different types of catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, including the differences in location, rarity, and selling price.

Southern Hemisphere vs Northern Hemisphere

One of the most significant differences between catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is their location. There are two types of catfish in the game - the channel catfish and the giant snakehead. The channel catfish is found in North American waters, while the giant snakehead is found in Asian waters. Players in the Northern Hemisphere will have the luxury of catching both types of catfish, whereas players in the Southern Hemisphere will only have access to the giant snakehead.

Rarity Comparison

Both the channel catfish and giant snakehead are considered rare fish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. However, the giant snakehead is slightly more challenging to catch, as it can only be found in rivers during specific times of the day (9 am – 4 pm). In comparison, the channel catfish can be caught all day long and is available in both rivers and ponds.

Catching Difficulty

As previously mentioned, catching the giant snakehead can be more challenging than catching the channel catfish. To catch a giant snakehead, players must ensure that their fishing line has enough tension to avoid the fish from escaping. On the other hand, channel catfish won't put up much of a fight, making them easier to catch overall.

Selling Price Comparison

The selling price of each catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is another notable difference between the two. Channel catfish, while still being considered rare fish, will fetch players a decent price of 800 Bells at Nook's Cranny. In contrast, the giant snakehead is considered an exceptional fish and will sell for a whopping 5,500 Bells.


Catfish can be found in various locations in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, including rivers, ponds, and the clifftop river. Players must have patience as these fish are rare, but they do appear frequently in their designated regions throughout the year.

Comparison Table

Type of Catfish Location Catching Difficulty Rarity Selling Price
Channel Catfish Rivers and ponds in North America Easy Rare 800 Bells
Giant Snakehead Rivers in Asia Difficult Rare 5,500 Bells


In conclusion, both types of catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons are unique in their ways and come with their set of pros and cons. While the channel catfish may not fetch a significant amount of bells compared to the giant snakehead, they can be caught more easily and are plentiful in the right locations. The giant snakehead may be challenging to catch, but when players do manage to get their hands on one, it makes for an incredibly satisfying experience. Regardless of which catfish you choose to catch in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the rewards and experiences gained from these rare fish make it worth the effort.

Catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons


Catfish is a type of fish that players can catch in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It is one of the biggest freshwater fish species that can be found in the game. In this article, we will discuss the basics of catching catfish in the game and provide some tips on how to make the process easier.

Catching Catfish

To catch a catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, players need to fish during the months of May through October in the Northern Hemisphere and November through April in the Southern Hemisphere. They can be caught anytime during the day or night, and they tend to prefer muddy river bottoms.

The Right Bait

The best bait for catching catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is either fish bait or a combination of both fish bait and a fishing rod. Fish bait can be created by digging up manila clams on the beach. Once you have obtained the clams, simply open your inventory and select the Craft option. Choose Fish Bait and voila! You now have a handful of bait that you can use at any time.

The Right Equipment

To catch the largest catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, players should consider upgrading their fishing rod. The most effective rod for catching catfish is the Golden Fishing Rod, which can be obtained by completing the Fishing Tourney events hosted by CJ.

Finding the Right Location

Players need to locate the right spot to catch catfish in the game. Catfish can be found in rivers all over the island, especially those with a muddy riverbed. To find catfish, players should keep an eye out for large shadows moving along the river bottom. It may take some patience, but players should try various locations until they find the perfect spot.

Other Tips for Catching Catfish

Here are a few more tips to make catching catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons much easier:

Catch at Night

Catfish are nocturnal creatures, so players will have a better chance of catching them during the evening and night-time hours.

Predict the Weather

Catfish tend to be more active when it's raining or snowing. Players should keep an eye on the weather forecast to maximize their chances of catching a catfish.

Have Patience

Catching catfish can take some time, so players should be patient and persistent. The more time they spend fishing, the more likely they are to catch one.


Catching catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons can be a fulfilling experience for players who love fishing. By following the tips discussed in this article, players should be able to catch some of the largest catfish in the game. Remember, preparation, gear, bait-selection, and patience are key to catching catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Catfish: Another Fascinating Catch in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is one of the most popular games enjoyed by gamers all over the world. It's a feel-good game that helps players escape reality for a while and immerse themselves in a virtual world full of characters they can interact with. One of the many things that make this game engaging is the variety of fishes you can catch. Among them, Catfish stands out as one of the most unique and fascinating species in the game.

If you're wondering why Catfish is so special, keep reading. This blog post will give you all the information you need to know about catching this creature and add it to your collection. Before we proceed, let's begin with some basic information about Catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Catfish is a freshwater fish that can be found in rivers, ponds, or on the cliffs between March and November. They are active from 4 pm to 9 am and sell for 800 Bells each, making them a pretty good catch if you're looking to earn some extra cash. When caught, catfish can be donated to the museum, sold to Nook's Cranny, or used in various DIY recipes.

Now that you know the basics let’s talk about how to catch Catfish. Firstly, you'll need the right equipment. Like with most fishes in the game, the Fishing Rod is required. Next, you'll have to equip bait. Wait for the fish shadow to appear and cast your line in front of it. Patience is key; wait for the fish to bite, then press A to reel it in.

Catfish is known for being a somewhat tricky fish to catch because they move slowly, making their fishing spot harder to identify. Patience is key. A good method to catch them is by the waterfalls in your island, which can increase your chances since they tend to swim upstream.

The right time is also crucial when catching Catfish. Players might have better luck at night since it appears that catfish prefers to be active during this time.

Once you've finally caught a Catfish, what can you do with it? The obvious answer here is to have it donated to your island's museum. Additionally, you can sell it directly to Nook's Cranny, or if you're feeling creative, use it in various DIY recipes. For example, you can combine Catfish with other fish to create Fish Stew, Sushi, and even Fish and Chips. How delicious!

Catfish is an interesting and intriguing species in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. If you haven't already, try to catch one! It's always fun to add new fishes to your collection. Besides, it would help if you experience Animal Crossing's beauty in full, with all its unique features. Who knows what other hidden gems there are to discover!

In conclusion, fishing for Catfish is not only exciting but also satisfying. This fish is excellent to catch and will make an amazing addition to your fish collection. Remember, be patient, strategic, and enjoy the game. Have fun fishing!!

Thank you for reading, we hope you found this blog informative and helpful. Make sure to check out our other articles for more information about Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

People Also Ask About Catfish Animal Crossing: New Horizons

What is Catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Catfish is a type of fish that can be found in the rivers and ponds in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It is a large fish with a blue-gray body, white underbelly, and distinctive barbels on its face. The catfish can be caught year-round and sells for 800 bells at Nook's Cranny.

How do you catch Catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

To catch a catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you need to have a fishing rod and be near the rivers or ponds in your island. Once you find a good spot, use your fishing rod to cast your line and wait for the bobber to sink completely underwater. Then, quickly press the A button to reel in the fish. Catfish, like other fish, can be tricky to catch and requires some patience, but it's definitely worth it!

Can you eat Catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Unfortunately, you can't eat fish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. However, you can sell the catfish at Nook's Cranny for a decent price, or you can donate it to Blathers at the museum to complete your collection.

How much is the Catfish worth in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

The Catfish is worth 800 bells in Animal Crossing: New Horizons when sold to Nook's Cranny. However, if you choose to donate it to the museum, you won't receive any bells but will be able to appreciate the fish on display!

What is the best time to catch a Catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

The catfish can be caught year-round in Animal Crossing: New Horizons at any time of the day or night. However, as with all fish, their most active times are early morning and late at night. So, it's a good idea to go fishing during these times if you want to increase your chances of catching one.

Where can you find a Catfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

You can find catfish in the rivers and ponds of your island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. They are quite rare, so it may take some time and patience to catch one. We recommend fishing near river mouths where the water is deep and flowing well.

Can you get a Catfish from Mystery Island Tours in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Yes, it's possible to catch a catfish on a Mystery Island Tour in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. However, it's important to note that not all Mystery Islands have the same fish species, so you might need to try several tours before finding one with a catfish.