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The Fabled Fox Eyes: Discovering the Facial Feature Named After an Animal

Facial features named after animals have been a prevalent topic in beauty and fashion. From cat eyes to deer lips, these features have become a trend among makeup artists and enthusiasts alike. Have you ever wondered where these names came from or how they can enhance your appearance? Look no further as we delve into the world of animal-inspired facial features.

Starting off with the classic cat-eye, this feature has been around since ancient Egypt. The sleek winged eyeliner is said to imitate the feline's elongated eyes. It gives an illusion of lifted and elongated eyes that can make any eye shape look sultry. Want to stand out? Try a reverse cat-eye for a unique and edgy look.

Next up, the bunny nose, also known as a button nose, is a small and rounded nose reminiscent of the furry creature. This feature is popular among those who desire a softer and more youthful appearance. Want to accentuate it? Opt for a glossy highlight on the tip of your nose.

Have you heard of the fish gape? This pose, made famous by celebrities and influencers, involves slightly parting your lips to mimic a fish about to catch prey. Yes, it sounds silly, but it does wonders for showcasing your cheekbones and giving a pouty look. Want to take it up a notch? Try adding some lip gloss for extra shine.

For those who prefer fuller lips, meet the duck lip. Although it may have a negative connotation, this lip shape imitates a duck's bill. It can plump and accentuate the lips, giving a sexy and sultry look. However, be careful not to overdo it to avoid an unnatural appearance.

Now onto the doe-eyed look. This feature mimics a deer's large and innocent-looking eyes. It is achieved by applying light shadows on the lids and drawing the lower lash line downwards. This technique can make the eyes appear larger and more open, giving a youthful and innocent vibe.

Another facial feature inspired by animals is the fox eye. This trend involves extending the eyeliner beyond the outer corner of the eye to imitate the almond-shaped eyes of a fox. It can give a lifted and elongated effect, making the face look slimmer and more angular.

For those yearning for a sharp and chiseled jawline, turn to the wolf jaw. This feature is characterized by a defined and angular jawline imitating the predator's strong features. It can be achieved through contouring or non-invasive treatments such as Botox.

Let's not forget about the horse face, which may sound unappealing, but it refers to the desirable angular and symmetrical face shape of a horse. This facial feature involves having high cheekbones, a defined jawline, and a straight nose. It is said to exude elegance and sophistication.

In conclusion, animal-inspired facial features have become a popular trend in beauty and fashion. These features allow for creativity and can enhance one’s natural features. From the classic cat-eye to the edgy wolf jaw, there is something for everyone. So why not give it a try and unleash your inner animal?


The animal kingdom is abundant with unique and fascinating species, and it’s not just their physical characteristics that are interesting. Many animal traits have inspired names for human facial features. From the curious eyes of a doe to the bushy tail of a fox, the similarities between certain animals and humans can be striking. In this blog post, we will explore some of the facial features named after animals.

1. Doe Eyes

Doe eyes are large and round, giving off a wide-eyed, innocent appearance. They are named after the eyes of female deer (known as does), which are similarly wide and round. Many female celebrities are famous for their doe eyes, such as Zooey Deschanel and Katy Perry.

2. Cat Eyes

Cat eyes are characterized by a sharp, almond shape and slanted tilt. This feature is named after the eyes of cats, which have a distinct slant that makes their gaze appear mysterious and alluring. The cat-eye look has become popular in recent years, with many women using eyeliner to create the pointy shape.

3. Bunny Nose

A bunny nose, as the name implies, is a small, button-like nose that is similar to that of a rabbit. Female celebrities like Kate Middleton and Emma Watson have bunny noses that contribute to their cute and charming appeal.

4. Fox Ears

While fox ears may not be a literal facial feature, they do contribute to the overall look of an individual. Some people have small, pointy ears that resemble those of a fox. This feature is not actually exclusive to humans but applies to most mammals, including foxes, dogs, and cats.

5. Duck Lips

Duck lips refer to a pouting expression that involves sticking the lips out in a manner similar to that of a duck. While not necessarily a desirable look, some people choose to emulate this feature through the use of lip fillers, creating a plump and full-lipped appearance.

6. Fish Gills

Fish gills are a term used to describe the lines or wrinkles that form on the sides of the face and neck. These wrinkles bear a resemblance to the gills on a fish, hence the name. They are often associated with aging, but some individuals may develop them at an earlier age due to genetics or lifestyle factors.

7. Horse Teeth

Horse teeth refer to prominent front teeth that protrude from the mouth. This feature is named after the teeth of horses, which are similarly large and visible. While some people may find this feature unattractive, others may embrace it as a unique aspect of their appearance.

8. Butterfly Mouth

A butterfly mouth refers to a small, heart-shaped mouth that is similar in shape to that of a butterfly. This feature is considered attractive by many, as it gives off a sweet and feminine appearance. Some people may enhance their butterfly mouth through the use of lip makeup or fillers.

9. Hummingbird Cheeks

Hummingbird cheeks are a term used to describe high, defined cheekbones that resemble the rounded shape of a hummingbird's face. This feature is often sought after in beauty circles, as it gives off a youthful and contoured appearance. Some people may achieve hummingbird cheeks through facial exercises or cosmetic procedures.

10. Cowlick

While technically not a facial feature, cowlicks can affect the appearance of an individual's hairline. A cowlick refers to a small section of hair that grows in a different direction than the rest. This feature is named after the way cows' hair grows in a circular pattern around their heads. Some people may choose to style their cowlicks, while others may embrace them as a unique aspect of their appearance.


It is fascinating to note how animal features have inspired the naming of human facial features. From doe eyes to butterfly mouths, there is a wide range of animal characteristics that are considered desirable in humans. While some individuals may strive to achieve these features through cosmetic procedures or makeup techniques, others embrace their unique traits and appreciate the natural beauty of their appearance. Ultimately, it is important to remember that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, regardless of any animal-inspired features one may possess.

A Comparison between Facial Features Named After Animals


Have you ever noticed how so many animals have facial features that resemble human body parts? In fact, some of our facial features are named after animals. This is because there are certain characteristics on an animal's face that we can relate to with our own faces. In this article, we will explore the similarities between human facial features and those belonging to animals.

The Eyes

Our eyes are one of the most important facial features, as they allow us to see the world around us. Interestingly, animal eyes can also say a lot about their behavior and habitat. For example, the wide-set eyes of a chameleon give it 360-degree vision and help them to spot predators. On the other hand, the vertical pupils of cats enable them to see prey in low-light conditions. Humans usually have round pupils, which dilate or constrict depending on the amount of light present.

The Nose

The sense of smell is very important for many animals, especially those that use it to locate food or mates. Dogs, for instance, have an incredible sense of smell that is roughly 100 times better than humans. Their noses also vary considerably in shape and size, depending on the breed. In contrast, humans have relatively small noses with a complex internal structure that helps us to breathe and detect odors.

The Ears

Ears are another important facial feature, as they allow us to hear sounds and maintain balance. Some animals have extremely sensitive ears that can detect high-pitched sounds or even infrasound. For example, bats are known to use echolocation to navigate, which involves emitting ultrasonic sounds and listening to the echoes. Elephants also have large ears that they use to cool themselves down and communicate with each other. Human ears are less prominent but have a complex structure that allows us to hear a wide range of frequencies.

The Mouth

Finally, let's look at the mouth, which is essential for eating and communicating. Animals use their mouths for a variety of purposes, such as tearing flesh, crushing shells, or drinking nectar. The shape and size of the mouth can also reveal something about an animal's diet and behavior. For instance, herbivores like cows have a broad, flat mouth for grinding vegetation, whereas carnivores like lions have sharp teeth and powerful jaws for catching prey. Humans have relatively small mouths with complex muscles and lips that enable us to speak, smile, and kiss.

Table Comparison

To summarize the similarities and differences between human facial features and those named after animals, here is a table:| Feature | Animal Example | Human Example || --- | --- | --- || Eyes | Chameleon - wide set | Humans - round pupils || Nose | Dog - varies by breed | Humans - complex internal structure || Ears | Elephant - large and sensitive | Humans - complex structure || Mouth | Cow - broad and flat | Humans - small with complex muscles |


In conclusion, the facial features of animals are fascinating to compare with humans and can reveal a lot about their habitat, diet, and behavior. While some animals have exceptional senses like smelling and hearing, humans excel in communication and expression. Ultimately, the similarities and differences between our facial features and those named after animals demonstrate the incredible diversity of life on Earth.

Tips on Identifying Facial Features Named After An Animal

Have you ever wondered about the different facial features that are named after animals? Our faces display several unique characteristics that can be compared to different animals, such as a strong jawline like a lion or a long nose like an elephant. In this tutorial, we will discuss some of the facial features that are named after animals and tips on how to identify them.

The Fox Eye

The fox eye trend has recently become popular among beauty influencers. This feature refers to the elongated shape of the eye, similar to those of a fox. To achieve this look, simply apply eyeliner along the upper lash line and extend it towards the outer corner of the eye. Applying mascara to the outer corner of the eye will also enhance this feature.

The Cat Eye

The cat eye is an iconic trend that has been around for decades. This feature mimics the almond shape of a cat’s eye, creating a striking and bold look. To achieve this feature, apply a liquid or gel eyeliner along the upper lash line, flicking it outwards to create a winged effect.

The Doe Eye

The doe eye refers to the large, round, and innocent-looking eyes of a deer. To achieve this feature, use a white eyeliner pencil to highlight the inner corners of your eyes, creating an illusion of wider and brighter eyes. Apply mascara to both the top and bottom lashes to complete the look.

The Hawk Nose

The hawk nose refers to a sharp-angled nose that resembles the beak of a hawk. This is a prominent feature that often runs in families. To contour a hawk nose, use a cool-toned contour shade to create shadows on both sides of the nose. Highlight the center of the nose for a more defined and sculpted look.

The Dolphin Smile

The dolphin smile refers to a natural upward curvature of the lips, similar to the playful smile of a dolphin. This feature is often associated with a friendly and approachable personality. To enhance your smile, practice smiling frequently and incorporate lip exercises into your daily routine.

The Bunny Line

The bunny line is a horizontal wrinkle that appears on either side of the nose when someone smiles or laughs. This is a natural occurrence that can be minimized with facial exercises, such as regularly massaging the area to improve circulation and reduce tension.

The Horse Face

The horse face refers to a long and narrow facial shape, similar to that of a horse. This feature can be accentuated by contouring the cheekbones and jawline using a warm-toned shade. Highlighting the forehead and bridge of the nose will also create a more balanced and proportionate look.

The Bull Neck

The bull neck refers to a thick and muscular neck, similar to that of a bull. This feature can be improved through regular exercise targeting the neck muscles and incorporating a healthy diet and lifestyle.

The Fish Lips

The fish lips refer to prominent lips that resemble the lips of a fish. This feature can be enhanced by using a lip plumper or applying a clear gloss to create a more pouty and full effect.

The Elephant Ears

The elephant ears refer to large and oversized ears that resemble the ears of an elephant. This feature can be minimized by wearing hair in a style that covers the ears, such as a low ponytail or a loose bun.In conclusion, our facial features reveal unique characteristics that can be compared to different animals. By learning about these animal-inspired features, we can embrace our natural appearance and enhance them with various makeup and beauty techniques. Remember, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and it’s important to love and appreciate yourself for who you are.

The Fascinating Facial Feature Named After An Animal

Have you ever heard of the term cupid's bow? It may sound like a romantic gesture, but it actually refers to a unique facial feature found on some individuals. The cupid's bow is named after the shape of a bow and arrow, resembling a small dip in the center of the top lip that forms two distinct peaks on either side. This fascinating feature has been noticed and admired throughout history for its aesthetics and symbolism.

The origins of the name are uncertain, but it is believed to have started during the Renaissance era and became popularized in the early 20th century by Hollywood actresses who were known for their striking lips. The cupid's bow has since been associated with beauty, sensuality, and youthfulness. Many cosmetic procedures seek to enhance or mimic this feature to achieve a more defined and alluring look.

There is no scientific explanation for the presence of the cupid's bow, but it is believed to be a genetic trait. Not everyone has it, and the size and shape can vary from person to person. It is most commonly found on women, but some men also possess this feature. In some cultures, like the Fulani tribe in West Africa, a pronounced cupid's bow is considered a sign of beauty and is accentuated with tattoos or piercings.

The cupid's bow is not the only facial feature named after an animal. The philtrum, found between the nose and upper lip, is named after the Greek word philtron, which means love potion. It is often described as a vertical groove or dimple, and it serves as a channel for tears, saliva, and mucus. Interestingly, many animals also have a philtrum, including cats, dogs, and horses. Scientists believe that this feature helps animals to locate and follow scent trails.

Another animal-inspired feature is the widow's peak, which refers to a V-shaped pattern of hair growth on the forehead. It is named after the black veil worn by widows during mourning, as it resembles the point of the veil. The widow's peak is believed to be an inherited trait and can be found in both men and women. It has been associated with various personality traits, including intelligence, creativity, and sensitivity.

The shark-toothed smile is another interesting feature that is named after an animal. It refers to a smile in which the upper incisors overlap the lower incisors, resembling the teeth of a shark. This feature is commonly found in people with a prominent overbite and can be corrected through orthodontic treatment. Despite its negative connotations, the shark-toothed smile has also been associated with confidence, dominance, and attractiveness.

In conclusion, the cupid's bow is just one of many fascinating facial features named after animals. From the philtrum to the widow's peak to the shark-toothed smile, these features have captured our attention and imagination for centuries. Whether they are viewed as signs of beauty, personality traits, or simply intriguing phenomena, these features remind us of the diversity and complexity of human biology.

Thank you for reading this article about the fascinating facial feature named after an animal. We hope that you have learned something new and interesting. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments, and feel free to share this article with your friends and family. Until next time, keep exploring the wonders of human anatomy and all the secrets it holds!

People Also Ask About Facial Feature Named After An Animal

What is a facial feature named after an animal?

A facial feature named after an animal pertains to the appearance of certain facial structures that resemble the physical characteristics of animals.

What are the different facial features named after animals?

There are several facial features named after animals that are commonly referred to such as:

  • Bunny lines: wrinkles that appear on either side of the nose when you scrunch up your face.
  • Cat eyes: a type of eye shape where the outer corners of the eyes are slightly higher than the inner corners.
  • Duck lips: overly plumped lips that resemble a duck's bill.
  • Horse teeth: prominent or protruding front teeth that resemble those of a horse.
  • Fox eyes: a term used to describe large, prominently almond-shaped eyes that give a mischievous look similar to those of a fox.

Can facial features named after animals be altered surgically?

Yes, some of the facial features named after animals can be altered surgically through cosmetic procedures.

Is having facial features named after animals considered attractive?

The attractiveness of having facial features named after animals is subjective and varies from person to person.

Are there any health concerns related to facial features named after animals?

There are usually no significant health concerns related to facial features named after animals unless they affect an individual's daily functioning.

What are the reasons behind naming facial features after animals?

The reasons for naming facial features after animals vary. Some are named simply because they bear a resemblance to that animal's features while others may be due to cultural or artistic reasons.